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The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 64, July 1960 - April, 1961

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 545.
Date: 1961
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 49, July 1945 - April, 1946

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 679.
Date: 1946
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 48, July 1944 - April, 1945

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 607.
Date: 1945
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 47, July 1943 - April, 1944

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 447.
Date: 1944
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 30, July 1926 - April, 1927

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index is located at the end of the volume starting on page 327.
Date: 1927
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

East Texas.

Description: This book was created to provide "authentic information concerning the natural and co-operative resources and opportunities offered by East Texas and her people" for the general public. It contains information about the "General Development in 1921-22, The Evolution of transportation and Fixing of Lower Rate Levels, The Marketing Problem Nearing Solution, Organization, Concentration and Standardization of Quality; Pack and Grade, Co-Operative Work of A. & M. College Department of Extension Serv… more
Date: 1923
Creator: East Texas Chamber of Commerce.
Partner: UNT Libraries

The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, Volume 1, July 1897 - April, 1898

Description: The Texas State Historical Association Quarterly Report includes "Papers read at the meetings of the Association, and such other contributions as may be accepted by the Committee" (volume 1, number 1). These include historical sketches, biographical material, personal accounts, and other research. Index starts on page 321.
Date: 1897/1898
Creator: Texas State Historical Association
Partner: Texas State Historical Association

[Transcript of file of documents concerning Santa Anna and issues relating to Texas's independence, November 25, 1836]

Description: Copy of transcript for a file with multiple documents concerning Santa Anna and issues relating to Texas's independence. Documents include: 1. a copy of the secret treaty between Santa Anna and Texas; 2. a statement by Santa Anna to Texas; 3. a copy of the public treaty between Santa Anna and Texas; 4. a memorandum regarding the treaties and communications with the United States; 5. a letter from Stephen F. Austin to Collinsworth and Grayson; 6. a letter from Stephen F. Austin to an unknown rec… more
Date: November 25, 1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of minutes from the meeting of the Committee of Saftey for the Jurisdiction of Columbia, September 22, 1835]

Description: Copy of transcript for minutes from the meeting of the Committee of Safety for the Jurisdiction of Columbia. Topics discussed include: position appointments, the formation of volunteer companies, forming a sub-committee to address the citizens of New Orleans, and establishing a vigilante patrol to keep the slave population subjugated.
Date: September 22, 1835
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of Resolutions of Nacogdoches, 1835]

Description: Copy of transcript for Resolutions of Nacogdoches, in which citizens of the jurisdictions of Gonzales, Mina, Austin, Matagorda, and Columbia have recommended that a convention of Texas be called to discuss the changing political climate in Mexico and Mexico's relationship to the citizens of Texas.
Date: 1835
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of letter from the Ayuntamiento of Gonzales to the Mexican Congress, July 28, 1834]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from the Ayuntamiento of Gonzales to the Mexican Congress discussing the infringement of their rights by the Mexican military and government and requesting that Stephen F. Austin be released since neither his nor their actions constitute treason.
Date: July 28, 1834
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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