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Improvement in Gang-Plows.

Description: Patent for an improved gang-plow with an adjustable crank-axle, mechanism to raise and lock the plows, and a brace for increasing rigidity.
Date: January 27, 1874
Creator: Cummins, Allison G. & Cummins, John R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Improvement in Tire-Tighteners.

Description: Patent for a device "for the purpose of tightening or loosening tires on wheels belonging to any kind of vehicles without shrinking or cutting the tires." (Lines 6-9) Includes instructions and illustrations.
Date: July 27, 1875
Creator: Horton, Henry A. R. & Hayes, Amos P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Letter from Matilda Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, January 27, 1876]

Description: A letter to Mary Moore from her mother, Matilda Dodd, and her sister, Bettie Franklin, on January 27, 1876. In the letter, Dodd and Franklin tell Moore about the well-being of the family and of the farm. They mention that they are not sure if they will be moving to Texas. Dodd mentions that she would like Moore to visit, and would like to return to Texas with Moore. Franklin closes by sending regards to Mary's husband, Charles B. Moore. Included with this item is the envelope in which the lett… more
Date: January 27, 1876
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Cotton-Gin Building

Description: Patent for improvements to cotton gin buildings granted to Benjamin F. Ferguson to reduce the risk of fire and the cost of ginning cotton.
Date: February 27, 1883
Creator: Ferguson, Benjamin F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Letter from Matilda Dodd and Dinkie McGee to Sis and Mr. Moore, July 27, 1890]

Description: Matilda received news of Tobe and Minnie. Abe and Bettie had left to see them. Florence's health has improved and so has her baby's. Tobe is going to work on the railroad. She then mentions the weather and its effect on the crops. She mentions the start of school for Linnet and Birdie. She is expecting people to be coming to visit. Dinkie had some people over and made dinner for them. She talks about thrashing wheat, and Willie killing Birdie's gosling. She wants to go see Florence and Minnie. … more
Date: July 27, 1890
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry Moore to C. B. Moore and Company, August 27, 1893]

Description: Letter from Henry Moore to Charles, Mary and Linnet Moore which he recounts the trip to town he made. He also says that there was a case of domestic disturbance in which the constable was involved. It resulted with the wife taking her life. He writes about the financial crisis and his support for silver. He is an artesian having a well drilled. One of Linnet's lambs died due to a snake bite. Henry sent this letter to Gallatin, Tennessee where the Charles Moore family were visiting relatives.
Date: August 27, 1893
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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