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[Letter from Matilda Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, January 27, 1876]

Description: A letter to Mary Moore from her mother, Matilda Dodd, and her sister, Bettie Franklin, on January 27, 1876. In the letter, Dodd and Franklin tell Moore about the well-being of the family and of the farm. They mention that they are not sure if they will be moving to Texas. Dodd mentions that she would like Moore to visit, and would like to return to Texas with Moore. Franklin closes by sending regards to Mary's husband, Charles B. Moore. Included with this item is the envelope in which the lett… more
Date: January 27, 1876
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, May 27, 1876]

Description: Letter from Dinkie McGee to her sister, Mary Ann Dodd Moore discussing neighbors and friends, gardening, quilt making, dress making, purchase of new mules, sale of a calf and the possibility of moving to Texas.
Date: May 27, 1876
Creator: McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd and Dinkie McGee to Sis and Mr. Moore, July 27, 1890]

Description: Matilda received news of Tobe and Minnie. Abe and Bettie had left to see them. Florence's health has improved and so has her baby's. Tobe is going to work on the railroad. She then mentions the weather and its effect on the crops. She mentions the start of school for Linnet and Birdie. She is expecting people to be coming to visit. Dinkie had some people over and made dinner for them. She talks about thrashing wheat, and Willie killing Birdie's gosling. She wants to go see Florence and Minnie. … more
Date: July 27, 1890
Creator: Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Dinkie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry Moore to C. B. Moore and Company, August 27, 1893]

Description: Letter from Henry Moore to Charles, Mary and Linnet Moore which he recounts the trip to town he made. He also says that there was a case of domestic disturbance in which the constable was involved. It resulted with the wife taking her life. He writes about the financial crisis and his support for silver. He is an artesian having a well drilled. One of Linnet's lambs died due to a snake bite. Henry sent this letter to Gallatin, Tennessee where the Charles Moore family were visiting relatives.
Date: August 27, 1893
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Linnet Moore, July 27, 1898]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Linnet Moore. In this letter, Moore updates Linnet on the goings-on in Collin County. The news includes: a discussion about not receiving word from Linnet, details on receiving correspondence from Laura Jernigan and Jack, a weather update, community news, updates on going to the horse market, a discussion about Anderson who is much better after falling into John Chandler's well, addition… more
Date: July 27, 1898
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Anna Boyd to Charles B. Moore, April 27, 1899]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Anna Boyd and is addressed to Charles B. Moore. She informs Moore about the reasons for the family's delay in continuing correspondence with the Moore family since their visit to Colorado. In this letter, Boyd discusses the weather's affect on their crops for this spring. She details the failures they had last season due to grasshoppers and hopes that this season would be better than the last. She notes that they did not ha… more
Date: April 27, 1899
Creator: Boyd, Anna
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. J. and Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore and Claude and Linnet White, November 27, 1905]

Description: Letter to Aunt Mollie and Claude and Linnet White. W. J. wants to explain why Uncle Tobe was not brought along. He doesn't like to leave. Bessie is the only one that can get him to leave for short amounts of time. He wants to tell Uncle Tobe first before his aunt. He wishes them the best wishes. The second letter Birdie wants to inform her Aunt Mollie on Uncle Tobe's condition. He is so worried about his money. He won't eat or drink and has become bedridden. Aunt Bettie wants to send him to the… more
Date: November 27, 1905
Creator: McKinley, W. J. & McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from F. M. Griffin to Mary Moore, August 27, 1907]

Description: Letter to Mary Moore from F. M. Griffin. She mentions the fair was organized very well. She has had so many visitors that she is now sick. She mentions where Lillian is going to school and what she did before the fair. Martha Patterson helped them at the fair. She talks about food spoiling and cousin Lou not doing so well. She talks about her crops and how well they did. She is getting treated by the same doctor that treated Uncle Abe. She talks about her treatment and pain. She asks that Linne… more
Date: August 27, 1907
Creator: Griffin, F. M. & Griffin, Alice
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter to Mrs. White, June 27, 1909]

Description: Letter to Mrs. (Linnet) White. He was glad to hear from her. He talks about the weather and farming. He mentions that he has a hard time using his arms. He talks about a letter from Claude.
Date: June 27, 1909
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Dan Oppenheimer, October 27, 1955]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Dan Oppenheimer sharing details of a phone conversion with J. C. Wilson about cotton sales, concern regarding Buffalo Oil Company and proposed travel schedule to Pecos.
Date: October 27, 1955
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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