15 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

Primary view of [Envelope from Henry Moore to Charles Moore, May 1, 1860]
Moore, Henry S.
May 1, 1860
Primary view of [Letter from Addison Wilson to Charles B. Moore, September 1, 1861]
Wilson, Addison
September 1, 1861
Primary view of [Letter, March 1, 1875]
Moore, Charles B.
March 1, 1875
Primary view of [Letter from Fletcher S. Stockdale to Charles B. Moore, January 1, 1876]
Stockdale, Fletcher S.
January 1, 1876
Primary view of [Envelope from Dinkie McGee for Mary Moore, March 1, 1879]
McGee, Dinkie
March 1, 1879
Primary view of [Postcard from William Dodd to Mary Ann Moore and Charles B. Moore, November 1, 1882]
Dodd, William
November 1, 1882
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd to Sis and Mr. Moore, February 1, 1889]
Dodd, Matilda
February 1, 1889
Primary view of [Letter from J. M. Bryan to C. B. Moore, April 1, 1896]CBM_2083-006-002
Bryan, J. M.
April 1, 1896
Primary view of [Letter from Mary Moore to Charles and Linnet Moore and Willie McGee, January 1, 1900]
Moore, Mary
January 1, 1900
Primary view of [Wedding announcement for Virginia Bird and Joseph Harrison Armstrong, January 1, 1902]
Oates, Jennie
January 1, 1902
Primary view of [Statement of Condition, February 1, 1909]
Wysong, H. S.
February 1, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from J. W. Douglass to Claude D. White, March 1, 1909]
Douglass, J. W.
March 1, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Ann Moore, March 1, 1909]
Thornhill, Sally
March 1, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from the Melissa State Bank to Claude D. White]
Wyson, H. S.
April 1, 1909
Primary view of [Letter from Melissa State Bank to Claude D. White, April 1, 1910]
Melissa State Bank
April 1, 1910
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