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[Letter from Birdie McGee McKinley to Mary Ann Moore and the White family, September 22, 1913]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee McKinley and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore and the White Family. In this letter, Birdie informs her kin of the goings-on in her community. The news includes: details about how they have survived the drought with their well and spring for the stock animals, a discussion about Minnie's visit and their preparation for Minnie's return to Georgia, a dialogue about Birdie's baby who likes to be in her buggy, updates… more
Date: September 22, 1913
Creator: McKinley, Birdie McGee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore and Claude and Linnet White, September 22, 1908]

Description: Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore (who she address as Aunt Mollie) and Claude and Linnet White discussing recent news, family and friends, the weather, sewing clothes, and how she wishes they could come for a visit. There is an envelope addressed to Mrs. Claude D. White, McKinney, Texas, and it is postmarked Nashville, Tennessee on September 24, 1908.
Date: September 22, 1908
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore, Linnet White, and Claude D. White, September 28, 1909]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore, Linnet White, and Claude D. White. In this letter, Birdie discusses having Minnie stay at her house and how wonderful it was to have her around all the time, details about Minnie's new position teaching at a city school in Tullahoma, TN, and notes that her an Minnie went to the fair. McGee reminiscences about going to the Dallas Fair and mentions that they saw many fine domes… more
Date: September 28, 1909
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to William Dodd, September 10,1889]

Description: This postcard is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles to William Dodd in Gallatin, Tennessee. Moore is writing from a hotel in Nashville. He details what the family has been doing in Nashville and who they have seen during their stay. He mentions that he has not been able to sleep and decided to write the family cards to give them an update on the Moore family's goings-on.
Date: September 10, 1889
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress, September 1, 1858]

Description: Letter from M. C. (Maud) Fentress to her son, David Fentress, concerning her gathering seeds for him; the amount of money she can raise and send to him; the trial of Allick Neilson for rape; the condition of the crops; and an update on the health and activities of friends and family.
Date: September 1, 1858
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 6, 1859]

Description: Letter is from Maud C. Fentress to her son David discussing news from Bolivar, Tennessee and it includes: sending Kate off to school in Nashville,Maud's feelings about her children growing up, receiving Mary Tate's letter from White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, a dialogue about her stolen chickens,a conversation about Sallie starting school with Miss Hunt as her teacher and information about Jimmie and Willie's schooling, news about the weather,news about 'Aunt Mag' and her trip to Austin,a discu… more
Date: September 6, 1859
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 26, 1859 ]

Description: Letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David discussing Jimmie and Mary's return from their travels and their change in plans to board with Mr. Miller instead of Maud, Jimmie's financial proposition to exchange bottom land for David's lot, the town physician's move to Nashville, a financial proposition from Maud to purchase Sallie which is David's horse if Neely does not purchase her, Maud's preparations for Jimmie's party, a discussion about David's failed crops, a dialogue on the raising of … more
Date: September 26, 1859
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Travis Winham to C. B. Moore, September 25, 1882]

Description: Travis left Sherman with Miss Dora and dropped her off with her family. He took the train to visit Bettie Emerson, who was in Eurkea Springs, Arkansas. He is amazed at how big Fort Worth is. He met up with Charley Moore, whose family was in town. He was very thankful for Charley being kind and courteous. He then went to Dallas and between Fort Worth and Dallas he believes that Dallas will be The City in north east Texas. While waiting at the depot he met George Wilson. Mr Hubbard arrived with D… more
Date: September 25, 1882
Creator: Winham, Travis
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress - September 1, 1858]

Description: Transcript of a letter from M. C. (Maud) Fentress to her son, David Fentress, concerning her gathering seeds for him; the amount of money she can raise and send to him; the trial of Allick Neilson for rape; the condition of the crops; and an update on the health and activities of friends and family.
Date: September 1, 1858
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 26, 1859 ]

Description: Transcript of a letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David discussing Jimmie and Mary's return from their travels and their change in plans to board with Mr. Miller instead of Maud, Jimmie's financial proposition to exchange bottom land for David's lot, the town physician's move to Nashville, a financial proposition from Maud to purchase Sallie which is David's horse if Neely does not purchase her, Maud's preparations for Jimmie's party, a discussion about David's failed crops, a dialogue on… more
Date: September 26, 1859
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Two Letters from James Stewart]

Description: Letter from James Stewart and Ziza Moore regarding legalities involved with a patent. The reverse contains a "Coppy [sic] of a letter to [George] Armstrong" discussing patent law.
Date: September 4, 1832
Creator: Stewart, James A. & Moore, Ziza
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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