18 Matching Results

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Primary view of Dard Hunter: miscellaneous thoughts and reflections.
Massmann, Robert E.
Primary view of [News Script: Salary change and Connecticut weather]
WBAP-TV (Television station : Fort Worth, Tex.)
February 14, 1969, 6:30 a.m.
Primary view of [Client Card: Paolo Abbate]
Roman Bronze Works Foundry
November 1968
Primary view of [Client Card: Mr. M. E. Brasher]
Roman Bronze Works Foundry
Primary view of [Letter from Arthur Alpert to Joseph I. Cunnigham, January 11, 1966]
Alpert, Arthur M.
January 11, 1966
Primary view of [Letter From Joseph I. Cunningham to Arthur M. Alpert, January 6, 1966]
Cunningham, Joseph I.
January 6, 1966
Primary view of [Postal Card from The Taft School to Harris Leon Kempner, August 27, 1963 ]
The Taft School
August 27, 1963
Primary view of [Letter from Harris Leon Kempner to Joseph I. Cunningham, August 22, 1963]
Kempner, Harris Leon
August 22, 1963
Primary view of [Letter from Dr. James E. Thompson to Mr. Harris Kempner, September 10, 1954]
Thompson, James E.
September 10, 1954
Primary view of [Letter from Harris L. Kempner to George P. Milmine, October 9, 1953]
Milmine, George P.
October 9, 1953
Primary view of [Letter from Margot Street to D. W. Kempner, May 9, 1949]
Street, Margot
May 9, 1949
Primary view of [Letter from Daniel W. Kempner to Margot Street, May 2, 1949]
Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
May 2, 1949
Primary view of [Letter from Margot Street to Isaac Kempner, April 28, 1949]
Street, Margot
April 28, 1949
Primary view of Chauffer's Uniform Greatcoat
Lexington National Tailoring Co.
Primary view of [Letter from J. J. Click to the Arabian Perfumo Co. - June 19, 1899]
Click, John Jones
June 19, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from J. W. Hoffman to Elizabeth Ann Upshur Teackle Quinby, November 2, 1855]
Hoffman, J. W.
November 2, 1855
Primary view of [Transcript of letter from James Austin to Moses Austin, September 24, 1816]
Austin, James Elijah Brown
September 24, 1816
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from James Austin to Moses Austin, September 24, 1816]
Austin, James Elijah Brown
September 24, 1816
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