78 Matching Results

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Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, January 27, 1876]
Dodd, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
January 27, 1876
Primary view of [Letters from Bettie Franklin, Matilda Dodd, and William Dodd to Mary Moore, March 11, 1876]
Franklin, Bettie; Dodd, Matilda & Dodd, William
March 11, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from Bettie Franklin and Matilda Dodd to Mary Moore, May 22, 1876]
Franklin, Bettie & Dodd, Matilda
May 22, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, May 27, 1876]
McGee, Dinkie
May 27, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, July 16, 1876]
McGee, Dinkie
July 16, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from William Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore and Matilda Dodd, January 15, 1877]
Dodd, William & Franklin, Bettie
January 14, 1877
Primary view of [Letter from Bettie Franklin to Matilda Dodd and Mary Moore, January 28, 1877]
Franklin, Bettie
January 28, 1877
Primary view of [Letter from William Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, December 10, 1880]
Dodd, William
December 10, 1880
Primary view of [Letter from Moore family members to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, December 19, 1880]
Dodd, William; Moore, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
December 19, 1880
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Adelitia McGee to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, June 23, 1885]
Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Adelitia
June 23, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, July 17, 1885]
Dodd, Matilda
July 17, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Henry S. Moore, August 31, 1885]
Moore, Charles B.
August 31, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 3, 1885]
Moore, Henry S.
September 3, 1885
Primary view of [Letters from Mattie Vanter and Aurelia Vanter to the Moore family, September 10, 1885]
Vanter, Mattie & Vanter, Aurelia
September 10, 1885
Primary view of [Letters from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 11, 1885]
Moore, Henry S.
September 11, 1885
Primary view of [Letters from Mariah Rucker to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, September 14, 1885]
Rucker, Mariah
September 14, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Sam P. Henderson, September 16, 1885]
Moore, Charles B.
September 16, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 16, 1885]
Moore, Henry S.
September 16, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 25, 1885]
Moore, Henry S.
September 25, 1885
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, May 24, 1888]
Dodd, Matilda
May 24, 1888
Primary view of [Letters from Matilda Dodd and Adelitia McGee to the Moore Family, August 15, 1888]
Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Adelitia
August 15, 1888
Primary view of [Letter from Charlie Gross to Charles B. Moore, August 16, 1889]
Gross, Charlie
August 16, 1889
Primary view of [Letter from Henry S. Moore to the Moore family, September 3, 1889]
Moore, Henry S.
September 3, 1889
Primary view of [Letter from James K. Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, October 15, 1889]
Dodd, James K.
October 15, 1889
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