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[Letter from Matilda Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, May 24, 1888]

Description: This letter is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mary Ann Moore's mother, Matilda Dodd. A note at the top of the letter details that Birdie and Alice have been at Aunt Bettie's for a week and that the school has employed two teachers. She stresses that Birdie want to see Linnet very badly. In the letter, Matilda updates the Moore family on the happening in Gallatin and the news includes: a note on the letter that was sent to Abe and Bettie Franklin from the Moore family, fa… more
Date: May 24, 1888
Creator: Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd, May 1885]

Description: Letter from Matilda Dodd to an unknown recipient discussing the weather, crops, and recent news. There appears to be part of an envelope stuck to the front page with a postmark from Gallatin, Tennessee dated May 23, 1885. The first page is written in purple ink, and the second page is written in pencil.
Date: May 1885
Creator: Dodd, Matilda Bratney
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd, Florence Dodd, and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, May 26, 1883]

Description: Letter from Matilda and Florence Dodd and Bettie Franklin. They all discuss family news and news of their children. There was cold weather and it damaged a lot of the crops. Florence is concerned that they will only have cornbread, and no biscuit. A smaller piece of paper is addressed to little cousin Linnet from Mary Winston Dodd who was less than a year old. In addition, it includes the envelope from the original letter addressed to Mr. C. B. Moore that had also been used to as scrap pap… more
Date: May 26, 1883
Creator: Dodd, Matilda; Dodd, Florence & Franklin, Bettie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Bettie Franklin and Matilda Dodd to Mary Moore, May 22, 1876]

Description: A letter to Mary Moore from her sister, Bettie Franklin, and her mother, Matilda Dodd. In the letter, Franklin and Dodd discuss the state of the family and of the farm and animals. Franklin informs Moore that there have been many deaths in town, including Mallie Donnell, Mrs. Holder, and Tom Berry's wife. Franklin and Dodd both ask Moore to visit soon. Franklin closes by sending her regards to Moore's husband, Charles B. Moore. Included with this item is the envelope in which the letter was ma… more
Date: May 22, 1876
Creator: Franklin, Bettie & Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Adelitia McGee and Matilda Dodd to the Moore family and Alice McGee, May 11, 1890]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Adelitia "Dinkie" McGee and Matilda Dodd. In Dinkie's letter, she updates the Moore family and Alice on the goings-on in Sumner county. The news includes: updates on William Dodd's health and Willie McGee's trip to Nashville, a discussion about Lizzie's baby, details about a visit from dressmaker Mat Blackmore, community news of health and happenings, a discussion about the hat fashion for the summer, additional community u… more
Date: May 11, 1894
Creator: McGee, Adelitia & Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Alice McGee to to Aunt Mary and Uncle Charles Moore]

Description: Letter from Alice McGee to her aunt and uncle, Mary and Charles Moore. She wrote about her trip home to Tennessee through New Orleans. She encountered a train wreck and saw flooding in Morgan City. Her letter that said that she was returning home had not arrived, so her arrival surprised her family.
Date: May 1890
Creator: McGee, Alice
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Moore and Claude and Linnet White, May 24, 1907]

Description: Letter to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White from Birdie McGee. She tried to respond to their letter sooner, but she has been really busy. She wants them to come visit her. Henry is a little sick, but will be making a trip to Texas. She believes that Bessie will marry John Turner. She had some visitors and was surprised that Mollie Love is still alive. She comments on the styles. She is expecting Minnie to come visit them when she gets back from her trip. She mentions the odd spring and winter… more
Date: May 24, 1907
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Will McGee to Mary and Charles B. Moore, May 25, 1890]

Description: Letter from Will McGee to his aunt and uncle, Mary and Charles Moore in which he thanked them for sending him drafting instruments. He said that the crops were being damaged by having too much rain. He also commented on the people who were leaving for "the promised land." He said that the Farmers and Laborers Union were proposing a new mill be built in Gallatin because the current mill was "robs people of half of what they have."
Date: May 25, 1890
Creator: McGee, Willie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude, Linnet, and Ruth White, May 2, 1911]

Description: Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude, Linnet and Ruth White. She hasn't heard from them and hopes that they are doing well. She wants to go see them, but is worried about Frank's health. She now has help, but is afraid to allow her to help with the baby. She talks about farming. She mentions her chickens. A lot of people ask about them. She mentions how Henry is doing and wishes to see Ruth and for them to see Frank. She talks about Alice and Lillian. She went and visited some peop… more
Date: May 2, 1911
Creator: McKinley, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore, May 20, 1906]

Description: Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore in which she says that she has had little time to write as Mr. Thornhill and sister Melissa are unwell. Bertha now has an organ to play. She tells how she made rhubarb pudding. Sally gives an update on her garden, an invasion of locusts, and the crops. She also passes on the news of the activities and health of friends and family.
Date: May 20, 1906
Creator: Thornhill, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Sally Thornhill to the Moore family, May 23-24, 1899]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Sally Thornhill and is addressed to the Moore family. In this letter, Sally informs the Moore family of the goings-on in White Hill, Tennessee. The news includes: a confirmation on the receipt of Moore's correspondences, general updates on the family's well-being at present, a discussion about the vegetable garden and the fruit that is currently available for harvest, news about the crops, a dialogue about measles, a discus… more
Date: May 23, 1899
Creator: Thornhill, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lillian to Linnet White, May 21, 1917]

Description: Letter to Linnet White from Lillian. She wrote to send Linnet her sympathies on the whooping cough Linnet and her daughter have and to express her excitement on the prospect of Linnet visiting this summer. She sends some news about her own well being along with her excitement.
Date: May 21, 1917
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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