130 Matching Results

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[Announcement from Joaquín Vidal de Larca]

Description: Announcment from Joaquín Vidal de Larca saying that Governor Manuel de Iturbe has returned to the province. The document says that officials are to divulge the news in the usual manner, and is signed by local Spanish justicias.
Date: 1809-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence Regarding Francisco Martinez]

Description: Letter written from the court in Nuevo Laredo to the mayor of Laredo, Texas notifying him that Francisco Martinez has been stabbed to death and asking that his relatives be informed. A reply from the Laredo city council to the mayor of Nuevo Laredo asks them to turn over Martinez's body to his relatives for burial.
Date: November 23, 1866
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from the Interim Governor of Tamaulipas]

Description: Decree from the interim governor of Tamaulipas concerning the establishment of schools, procurement and requirements for teachers, and duties of inspection. The document is badly torn and stained, and has tape covering all four sides of the paper.
Date: 1830-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Decree from Viceroy Güemez Concerning Money]

Description: Decree from Viceroy Juan Vicente Güemez stating that older coinage is not to be sent to Spain or to anywhere outside of the country. The document itself has multiple stains and tears on both side of the paper, and the handwritten signatures are from officials in the villages acknowledging their receiving of the decree.
Date: 1791-11~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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