379 Matching Results

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[Goats on Highway in Mexico]

Description: Photograph of goats walking along a highway in Mexico. Brown and black goats are stood in a cluster along the asphalt road. The road winds past a brown mountain covered in tree logs and green foliage. A white shirt to the left reads "Gustav Martinez Presidente."
Date: November 1978
Creator: Streng, Evelyn Fiedler
Partner: Texas Lutheran University

[Letter from Mario Garza Ramos to John J. Herrera - November 7, 1968]

Description: Letter to John J. Herrera from a public notary, Mario Garza Ramos, in Matamoros in Mexico, formally giving Herrera authority on behalf of Ana García de Barguiarena and Roberto Barguirena Menchaca with regards to a 1968 Volkswagen car with Mexican registration for their younger son, Roberto Barguiarena García.
Date: November 7, 1968
Creator: Ramos, Mario Garza
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[100 Mexican Pesos]

Description: Paper bill worth 100 Mexican pesos printed in 1942. This bill has a photograph of a man on the far right side and a large "100" printed in the left center portion of the front side; the title of the bill is "El Banco de Mexico." The back of the bill has a photograph of a large building in the center, "100" printed on the far left and right, and a note on the bottom saying "Cien Pesos."
Date: November 15, 1942
Partner: Pioneer City County Museum

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 1

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 2

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 3

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 4

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 5

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 6

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Ciudad Porfirio Diaz 1905 Sheet 7

Description: Sanborn map sheet showing an area of Ciudad Porfirio Diaz in Mexico, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: November 1905
Creator: Sanborn Map Company
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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