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[Transcript of letter from José Espinosa de los Monteras, February 18, 1826]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from José Espinosa de los Monteras relaying the information that President Guadalupe Victoria approves Arthur G. Wavell's colonization petition, however the colonists cannot occupy the right bank of the Red River for the Shawnee Indians legally own that land.
Date: February 18, 1826
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of letter from James F. Perry to Stephen F. Austin, July 18, 1830]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from James F. Perry to Stephen F. Austin, in Perry explains the difficulties he is having in settling his business matters before moving to Texas, asks for Stephen's advice on completing the indenture forms for his slaves, and questions why Stephen was not more vocal about which tracts of land he had reserved for the Perrys.
Date: July 18, 1830
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of Letter from J. E. Savage to Stephen F. Austin, Branch T. Archer, and William H. Wharton, January 18, 1836]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from J. E. Savage to Stephen F. Austin, Branch T. Archer, and William H. Wharton, on January 18, 1836, informing them that he intends to look for new settlers for Texaswhile in England, as long as he is accorded a higher rank in the army.
Date: January 18, 1836
Creator: Savage, J. E.
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of Letter from George Fisher to Stephen F. Austin, November 18, 1836]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from George Fisher to Stephen F. Austin, on November 18, 1836, asking after his attempts to be appointed to the Texan government, and the land grants promised to empresarios. He also briefly discusses his plans to move his family to Texas, and the education of two of his sons.
Date: November 18, 1836
Creator: Fisher, George
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Transcript of Letter from William Heyle to Stephen F. Austin, November 18, 1836]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from William Heyle to Stephen F. Austin, on November 18, 1836, asking that Austin be on the lookout for a young man, named Edmond Morris, who has disappeared from his town and is believed to have gone to Texas, Mexico, or New Orleans.
Date: November 18, 1836
Creator: Heyle, William
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Bills of Sale of a Slave Named Nancy, June 18, 1838]

Description: Bills of sale of a slave named Nancy. The initial bill was written by notary William Christy in New Orleans, Louisiana. Jacob Sevy is selling Nancy, approximately 15, to John Covington Thomas of Gainsville, Alabama, for $1,200. Handwritten bills are added explaining that John C. Thomas sells Nancy to James Chessher in August 1838 for $3,000, who in turn sells her to Stephen Jackson of Jefferson County, Texas, in 1840 for $1,000. A separate paper is included with a description of this document.
Date: June 18, 1838
Creator: New Orleans (La.)
Partner: Museum of the Gulf Coast


Description: Patent for a new and improved carburetor. This design calls for "the apparatus [to be] submerged in water for the purpose of equalizing the temperature of the carbureting-liquid, and thereby imparting a more uniform illuminating quality to the gas; also obviating the danger of explosion from access of flame to the exterior of the apparatus" (para. 2).
Date: July 18, 1876
Creator: Pollard, James M. & Barton, Wallace R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Improvement in the Methods of Baling and Packing Cotton

Description: Patent for improvement in the methods of baling and packing cotton specifically optimizations in the packing and baling of cotton by avoiding all the mechanical appliances used in forming and securing bales of cotton, such as the press, canvas bagging, band, buckles, and bale-ties.
Date: July 18, 1876
Creator: Drake, James A. & Singer, Edgar C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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