29 Matching Results

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[Letter from Owen J. Lenihan to T. N. Carswell - April 15, 1949]

Description: A letter written to Mr. T. N. Carswell, Carswell Agency, Abilene, Texas, from Owen J. Lenihan, Cunard White Star Limited, and Donaldson Atlantic Line Limited, St. Louis 1, Mo., dated April 15, 1949. EXTENSION OF SUB-AGENCY APPOINTMENT TO APRIL 15, 1950
Date: April 15, 1949
Creator: Lenihan, Owen J.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Ms. Bruce to Mrs. Kempner, March 15, 1945]

Description: Letter to Mrs. Kempner from Elizabeth Bruce and Marvin Teeter from the American Red Cross informing her that she is being considered for a position in the Red Cross and requesting references.
Date: March 15, 1945
Creator: Bruce, Elizabeth
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Theodore W. Eckhart to Karl G. Manz, April 15, 1926]

Description: Letter from Theodore W. Eckhart to Karl G. Manz, describing construction beginning on campus buildings in Austin and clarifying procedures for receiving vouchers for bills.
Date: April 15, 1926
Creator: Eckhart, Theodore W.
Partner: Concordia University Texas

[Letter from Dorothy Dodd to Linnet White, December 15, 1916]

Description: Letter to Linnet White from [D]orothy [D]odd. She sends her sympathies for the death of Linnet's mother and encourages Linnet to seek solace in religion. At the end of the letter there is a poem titled "Life of Faith."
Date: December 15, 1916
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. A. Hays to Charles Moore, September 15, 1870]

Description: Letter from W. A. Hays to Charles Moore, discussing a local drought. Hays is setting up a homestead outside of Howell County, Missouri. Milling has suffered due to low water levels from the drought. He finishes by speaking of wars in Europe and of the city of St. Louis, Missouri.
Date: September 15, 1870
Creator: Hays, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of letter from W. A. Hays to Charles Moore, September 15, 1870]

Description: Transcript of a letter from W. A. Hays to Charles Moore, discussing a local drought. Hays is setting up a homestead outside of Howell County, Missouri. Milling has suffered due to low water levels from the drought. He finishes by speaking of wars in Europe and of the city of St. Louis, Missouri.
Date: September 15, 1870
Creator: Hays, W. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from John Rice Jones to James F. Perry, February 15, 1835]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from John Rice Jones to James F. Perry, in which Jones provides a character reference for Henry Leach and asks Perry to assist Leach in brokering his bill of exchange. Jones also informs Perry of his intention to sell his land in order to re-establish his mercantile business, and offers to pay off his remaining debt to Perry by selling his three Negro servants.
Date: February 15, 1835
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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