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[Transcript of Letter from Peter Elias Bean to Antonio Elozua, October 22, 1830]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Peter Elias Bean to Antonio Elozua, on October 22, 1830. Bean has discovered that the government is paying Indians to move west of the Mississippi River, and he wonders if the Indians will attempt to retake their lands in Texas.
Date: October 22, 1830
Creator: Bean, Peter Elias
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Ziza Moore to Charles Moore and Sabina Rucker, May 22, 1861]

Description: Letter from Ziza Moore to Charles B. Moore and Sabina Rucker discussing recent news, opposition to the war in East Tennessee, and his corn crop. He mentions that Josephus is at Fosterville with some volunteers and that times are hard and he is feeling very anxious for himself and his family. There is an envelope addressed to Charles B. Moore in Rocky Bayou, Izzard County, Arkansas, and it is dated May 22, 1891. According to the note on the left, it was received on June 8, 1861.
Date: May 22, 1861
Creator: Moore, Ziza
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from J. A. Nimmo to H. S. Moore, July 22, 1875]

Description: Letter from J. A. Nimmo to Henry Moore discussing farm crops and the weather as well as details about the "steam works" that Moore has requested. He also talks about a device that he is thinking of patenting and local news including ways to bring more immigrants to the area and the health of his family and others in the area.
Date: July 22, 1875
Creator: Nimmo, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Bettie Franklin and Matilda Dodd to Mary Moore, May 22, 1876]

Description: A letter to Mary Moore from her sister, Bettie Franklin, and her mother, Matilda Dodd. In the letter, Franklin and Dodd discuss the state of the family and of the farm and animals. Franklin informs Moore that there have been many deaths in town, including Mallie Donnell, Mrs. Holder, and Tom Berry's wife. Franklin and Dodd both ask Moore to visit soon. Franklin closes by sending her regards to Moore's husband, Charles B. Moore. Included with this item is the envelope in which the letter was ma… more
Date: May 22, 1876
Creator: Franklin, Bettie & Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Travis Winham to C. B. Moore, July 22, 1889]

Description: His health and the health of his wife and Lyke are well. Lyke and him went to go visit Lou Wallace. He also visited with Wallace's mother, Bet Wallace, Jimmy Wallace and one of Bet's sons. He met both of Dr. Bill Love's sons. He did not learn a lot about his relatives while there and so won't try to remember what he did. He was glad to hear that Moore and the rest of his family was doing so well. He then talks about his religious beliefs. He will try to visit with them when they come visit.
Date: July 22, 1889
Creator: Winham, Travis
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd to the Moore Family, September 22, 1894]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Matilda Dodd. In this letter, Matilda updates the Moore family on the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee and the news includes: news about Will and Birdie going to singing school and other social events, a discussion about Bettie and Abe, updates on the weather, and news about family as well as details concerning correspondence from family members. She closes the letter by stating that the Moore family should write soon and t… more
Date: September 22, 1894
Creator: Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, October 22, 1897]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. it is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Charles informs Mary that he has sent her trunk key to Gallatin and there is no need to break it open. He notes that he has sent a telegram to Will letting Mary know about the key. He discusses the daily chores with her, the weather, and updates her on the goings-on at home since her departure. In his second letter, written in the early morning of October … more
Date: October 22, 1897
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Linnet Moore, April 22, 1898]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee and is addressed to Linnet Moore. In this letter, McGee informs Moore of the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee. The news includes: a confirmation of the receipt of Linnet's photograph, updates on family and friends, news about her past plans and future plans, agricultural and weather updates,details on community events and the attire that her and some of the family are going to wear to one of the events, a discu… more
Date: April 22, 1898
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from J. W. Bounds to Charles B. Moore, February 22, 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written to Charles B. Moore from J. W. Bounds. In this letter, Bounds informs Moore of the goings-on in Nashville, TN. The news includes: a discussion about Washington's birthday, details about his Christmas vacations and Lila Franklin, a dialogue about the smallpox outbreak in his area, details not to tell his parents about his close encounter with smallpox, a discussion about graduating, and a weather update. He closes the letter by… more
Date: February 22, 1900
Creator: Bounds, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore and Claude and Linnet White, September 22, 1908]

Description: Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore (who she address as Aunt Mollie) and Claude and Linnet White discussing recent news, family and friends, the weather, sewing clothes, and how she wishes they could come for a visit. There is an envelope addressed to Mrs. Claude D. White, McKinney, Texas, and it is postmarked Nashville, Tennessee on September 24, 1908.
Date: September 22, 1908
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White, June 22, 1909]

Description: Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White. She doesn't think they received her last letter. She comments that they have had so much rain and all of the vegetables they have had. Mattie's beau died. She mentions everyone's health and how fast Henry and Lillian are growing. She talks about her chickens. She asks if they plan to come visit in the summer, because she really wants to see them. She comments on the weather and asks if they think about moving to St. Louis. She … more
Date: June 22, 1909
Creator: McKinley, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee McKinley to Mary Ann Moore and the White family, September 22, 1913]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee McKinley and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore and the White Family. In this letter, Birdie informs her kin of the goings-on in her community. The news includes: details about how they have survived the drought with their well and spring for the stock animals, a discussion about Minnie's visit and their preparation for Minnie's return to Georgia, a dialogue about Birdie's baby who likes to be in her buggy, updates… more
Date: September 22, 1913
Creator: McKinley, Birdie McGee
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Daniel W. Kempner to Albert Fremaux, January 22, 1952]

Description: Letter from Daniel W. Kempner to Albert Fremaux informing him on what has been done with the stock bonus warrants for common shares of the capital stock of Great Britian and Canada Investment Corporation he left with them.
Date: January 22, 1952
Creator: Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Harold E. Ford to Barbara Jordan - June 22, 1978]

Description: Letter from Harold Ford to Barbara Jordan discussing the resume of Frank Banks, who was recommended to be appointed to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board of Directors. Banks’ resume is included and focuses on his experience as a certified public accountant.
Date: June 22, 1978
Creator: Ford, Harold, 1945-
Partner: Texas Southern University
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