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[Transcript of Letter from Stephen F. Austin, Branch T. Archer, and William H. Wharton, February 24, 1836]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Stephen F. Austin, Branch T. Archer, and William H. Wharton, on February 24, 1836, discussing the engraving of treasury notes for the Republic of Texas.
Date: February 24, 1836
Creator: Austin, Stephen F.; Archer, Branch T. & Wharton, William H.
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Dinkie McGee and William Dodd to C. B. Moore, February 24, 1888]

Description: William hopes that Linnet has recovered from whooping cough. None of the kids have come down with whooping cough yet and he has to worry about measles going around. He received a letter from Tobe and Florence. He mentions the weather and the crops being planted. He also mentions the people who have died. Em's daughter who got married moved away. Dinky says they are all well except for Willie who has a bad cold. She went to town for some errands. She gives some advice for Linnet and wishes they … more
Date: February 24, 1888
Creator: McGee, Dinkie & Dodd, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, May 24, 1888]

Description: This letter is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mary Ann Moore's mother, Matilda Dodd. A note at the top of the letter details that Birdie and Alice have been at Aunt Bettie's for a week and that the school has employed two teachers. She stresses that Birdie want to see Linnet very badly. In the letter, Matilda updates the Moore family on the happening in Gallatin and the news includes: a note on the letter that was sent to Abe and Bettie Franklin from the Moore family, fa… more
Date: May 24, 1888
Creator: Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Adelitia McGee and Matilda Dodd to the Moore family and Alice McGee, November 24, 1889]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It was written by Adelitia "Dinkie" McGee and Matilda Dodd. In this letter, Dinkie and Matilda update the Moore family and Alice on the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee. The news includes: community news, a dialogue about the weather, a discussion on the health of family and friends, and details on Dinkie's butter and egg venture. She closes her letter by mentioning Bettie's dress as well as her own dress and details that she is sending a … more
Date: November 24, 1889
Creator: McGee, Adelitia & Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lila Franklin to Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Linnet, September 24, 1893]

Description: She was glad to hear from them because she was afraid that they had gone home and forgotten about her. She mentions that Mrs. Joyner would like to go back to Texas with them and is an old schoolmate of Mrs. Moore. She wants to get her father to go with her to Texas, but will not be able to go this year. Her mother is going to Arkansas to see her son. She received a copy of the "Democrat" by Mr. Moore of her trip to McKinney.
Date: September 24, 1893
Creator: Franklin, Lila
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Frank and Alice Griffin to the Moore family, September 24-26, 1894]

Description: These are letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. The first two are written by Alice Griffin, who was Adelitia "Dinkie" McGee's daughter and niece and cousin to members of the Moore family. An additional letter is written by Frank M. Griffin, Alice's husband. In Alice's letter, she informs the Moore family of the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee and the news includes: an update on family members health, news about the weather, a discussion about Matilda Dodd, a dialogue about pickling an… more
Date: September 24, 1894
Creator: Griffin, Alice McGee & Griffin, Frank M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, August 24, 1898]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Moore discusses the days agenda and tells Mary they are getting ready for breakfast. He details a conversation he had with the Texan who is bunking next to their room and shares her plans, past and future, for this trip. He notes that they will have a picnic today and that he is collecting items from every where for Mary. He mentions that he met a woman wh… more
Date: August 24, 1898
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Death Notice for A. R. Franklin]

Description: Notice regarding the death of A. R. Franklin, who died November 23, 1906. The funeral was held November 24th at the grave side, officiated by Rev. R. M. DuBose; he was buried at Gallatin Cemetery in Gallatin, Tennessee. The notice also includes the list of pall bearers.
Date: November 24, 1906
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Moore and Claude and Linnet White, May 24, 1907]

Description: Letter to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White from Birdie McGee. She tried to respond to their letter sooner, but she has been really busy. She wants them to come visit her. Henry is a little sick, but will be making a trip to Texas. She believes that Bessie will marry John Turner. She had some visitors and was surprised that Mollie Love is still alive. She comments on the styles. She is expecting Minnie to come visit them when she gets back from her trip. She mentions the odd spring and winter… more
Date: May 24, 1907
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard of Forest Park in Memphis, Tennessee]

Description: Postcard of Forest Park in Memphis, Tennessee. Photo shows a park with green grass and several sidewalks surrounding a statue of a man on a horse. Handwritten note on the back of the postcard tells Lou Rayburn about the author's mother and her well-being.
Date: August 24, 1909
Partner: Sam Rayburn House State Historical Site

[Envelope addressed to Mrs. Claude D. White, October 24, 1916]

Description: Envelope addressed to Mrs. Claude D. White in Fort Worth, Texas. It is from Hogin & McKinley General Insurance and Long Time Loans in Gallatin, Tennessee. It is postmarked Gallatin, Tenn. October 24, 1916. The top right corner, where the stamp would have been, has been torn off. "R7-Box 52" is written in the bottom left corner.
Date: October 24, 1915
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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