358 Matching Results

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Primary view of ["Modern Scholarship and the Form of Baptism" booklet]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Enochs, M.S.
W.G. and A.J. Thuss
unknown creation date
Primary view of Portrait of Miss Clack; College
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Portrait of Abilene High Class on Trip
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Lady in Front of Large House
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of People on Wagon in Woods
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Portrait of Abilene High Class on Trip
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of Portrait of Abilene High Class on Trip
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 6, 1859]
Fentress, Maud C.
September 6, 1859
Primary view of [Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 26, 1859 ]
Fentress, Maud C.
September 26, 1859
Primary view of [Letter from David Fentress to his wife Clara, August 16, 1864]
Fentress, David
August 16, 1864
Primary view of [Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress, September 1, 1858]
Fentress, Maud C.
September 1, 1858
Primary view of [Letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David - February 19, 1862]
Fentress, Maud C.
February 19, 1862
Primary view of [Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress, February 27, 1862]
Fentress, Maud C.
February 27, 1862
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 26, 1859 ]
unknown creator
September 26, 1859
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from David Fentress to his wife Clara, August 16, 1864]
unknown creator
August 16, 1864
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress - September 1, 1858]
unknown creator
September 1, 1858
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David - February 19, 1862]
unknown creator
February 19, 1862
Primary view of [Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress - February 27, 1862]
Fentress, Maud C.
February 27, 1862
Primary view of The tourist's pocket map of the state of Tennessee exhibiting its internal improvements, roads, distances, &c.
Young, J. H. (James Hamilton)
Primary view of Topographical sketch of the environs of Nashville, Tennessee surveyed in the months of March 1862 and Sept. and Dec. 1863 for the information of the Armies of the Ohio and Cumberland under the direction of Capt. N. Michler Corps of Topographical Engrs. U.S.A. by Major John E. Weyss, Capt. J. Earhart and Lieut. [George] Greenwood.
Weyss, J. E.
Primary view of [Jewlers' Business Card]
unknown creator
unknown creation date
Primary view of [Land sale handbill, undated]
Crawford, J. J.
unknown creation date
Primary view of [List of expenses for trip, June 27-29, 1865]
Moore, Charles B.
unknown creation date
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