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[Postcard from Leda Bahl to Mayme Collins, December 22, 1908]

Description: Postcard addressed to Mayme Collins in Central City, Nebraska from Leda Bahl with a Christmas illustration printed on the front. The picture on the front is of a bell decorated with Christmas decorations all around it, and "A Merry Christmas" printed below it. There is a note on the reverse side of the card from Leda that reads: "Guessing you are glad that the time is almost here for you to come home you said you were anxious to see Harry's house. You ought to see Harry's dog. I told you Ha… more
Date: December 22, 1908
Creator: Bahl, Leda
Partner: Private Collection of Margay Welch

Convertible Bed

Description: Patent for a bed that can be converted from a sideboard or a table. Illustrations included.
Date: December 22, 1908
Creator: Bowdon, Viola G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a stalk chopper particularly designed for slicing cotton and corn stalks. Illustrations included.
Date: December 22, 1908
Creator: Canuteson, Alfred & Ringness, John J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department


Description: Patent for a mounting for eyeglasses to be fitted on the bridge of the nose. Illustrations included.
Date: December 22, 1908
Creator: Chappel, James M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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