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[Correspondence Between David J. Floyd and Barbara Jordan - September 24-25, 1974]

Description: Letter from David J. Floyd inviting Barbara Jordan to the third biennial convention of the International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters (IABPFF) with a reply from Jordan thanking him for the invitation, but declining the offer due to prior engagements. The invitation includes an itinerary for the convention.
Date: 1974-09-24/1974-09-25
Creator: Jordan, Barbara, 1936-1996 & Floyd, David James
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to D. W. Kempner, September 24, 1954]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to D. W. Kempner informing Kempner about Mr. Wise of Hester and Wise's interest in purchasing the Prudential Building and subsequent inspection by Mr. Ferd Sebastian. The letter also mentions an enclosed letter from Mrs. Weston and a newspaper clipping. An invoice error from the St. Regis Hotel and updates on cotton sales and negotiations with Elsa are also discussed. He agrees with Bill's decision to withhold a letter to Elsa until further discussion with Kemp… more
Date: September 24, 1954
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to D. W. Kempner, September 24, 1954]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to D. W. Kempner informing Kempner about the status of Mr. Wise's inspection of the Prudential Building and remits a hotel invoice. He discuss a suggestion for a director's meeting and credit received from Continental Travelers Inc. for $1260.00. Enclosures include a letter and financial statement. The letter updates Kempner on ongoing cotton purchases, weather effects on crops, and Bill Keyser's ginning operations.
Date: September 24, 1954
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Daniel W. Kempner, September 24, 1956]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Daniel W. Kempner discussing total losses from the Merchants & Planters Compress & Warehouse Co., fees from The Bertig Company, bales ginned from Plantersville, storage updates from Liberty Press in New Orleans and Blackshear's upcoming departure for a wedding in Greenville, along with information regarding total cotton bale stock.
Date: September 24, 1956
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear Jr. to J. N. Sherrill, September 24, 1927]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear Jr. to J. N. Sherrill acknowledging receipt of his letter, enclosed check for $13,254.00, and notes payable to Mr. Kemp and Mr. Kempner. He also suggests they keep the account as originally proposed to keep correct track of amounts paid out.
Date: September 24, 1927
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Mr. D. W. Kempner, September 24, 1956]

Description: Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Daniel W. Kempner discussing general points of interest, such as the operations of the Merchants & Planters Compress & Warehouse Co. and amounted losses, communications with the Bertig Company regarding handling fees, the bales from the Plantersville gin, Blackshear's departure for a wedding in Greenville and looking forward to Kempner's return to Galveston. A response from Daniel Kempner is also written.
Date: September 24, 1956
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Ada Dawe to Joe Davis - September 24, 1944]

Description: Letter from Ada to her son-in-law Joe discussing news about Catherine, or "Cathy," Ada's daughter and Joe's wife. Cathy spent the night with her mother, and Mr. Davis and Dan Jr. showed her around. Cathy is worried about Joe, and Ada is hoping that he will be able to return home soon.
Date: September 24, 1944
Creator: Dawe, Ada Lea
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from Ben Ledbetter to Linnet Moore, September 24, 1899]

Description: Letter from Ben Ledbetter to Linnet Moore in which he says he enjoyed the Sunday he spent at her home. He wished he had received an answer to his previous letter. Then he announces that he will be near her on a business trip and would like to see her again.
Date: September 24, 1899
Creator: Ledbetter, Ben
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Chase Manhattan Bank to Harris Leon Kempner, September 24, 1956]

Description: Letter to Harris Leon Kempner from Chase Manhattan Bank enclosing a principal bond and coupons in exchange for other principal temporary bonds. Also included is a Receipt for Certified Mail sent to Chase Manhattan Bank postmarked September 18, 1956 for 15 cents
Date: September 24, 1956
Creator: Chase Manhattan Bank
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Claude D. White to Linnet Moore, September 24, 1901]

Description: Letter from Claude White to Linnet in which he says that he has visited with Mrs. Williams. He thinks Mrs. Williams and her daughter will be good company for Linnet. Claude tell Linnet that they will live in the "nicest part of town." He also gives details of his plans for the upcoming move.
Date: September 24, 1901
Creator: White, Claude D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Cornelia Yerkes, September 24, 1944]

Description: Letter from Cornelia Yerkes discussing ferrying aircraft to Randolph Field with a detour to Love Field, a dental problem, talking with former pursuit school classmates, and tailoring pants.
Date: September 24, 1944
Creator: Kafka, Cornelia V. Yerkes
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Letter from D. W. Kempner to Thos. L. James, September 24, 1951]

Description: Letter from D. W. Kempner to Thos. L. James discussing an enclosed check from Wonder State Manufacturing Co., which covered missing order items. An enclosed letter from W. L. Gatz, containing a complaint about items sent from Plantersville, is also discussed.
Date: September 24, 1951
Creator: Kempner, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1877-1956
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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