27 Matching Results

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[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore and Claude and Linnet White, September 22, 1908]

Description: Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore (who she address as Aunt Mollie) and Claude and Linnet White discussing recent news, family and friends, the weather, sewing clothes, and how she wishes they could come for a visit. There is an envelope addressed to Mrs. Claude D. White, McKinney, Texas, and it is postmarked Nashville, Tennessee on September 24, 1908.
Date: September 22, 1908
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Pin-Box and Fastener.

Description: Patent for a pin box fastener, which holds the tape inside the box while allowing the pins to be withdrawn.
Date: September 22, 1908
Creator: Kimbler, Henry Randolphus
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Postcard of Three Women Laughing]

Description: Postcard of three women with reddish-brown hair laughing and embracing one another. One wears a pale green dress and red sash, another wears a lavender dress, and the other a white dress with a green sash. The letter reads, "Have you heard from Smith? It seems ages since I've seen you. How are you getting along at school? Called Sig tonight - what if she has changed her mind. Write soon. Marie. 1009 Resk Ave." The postcard is addressed to "Miss Mamie McFaddin Beaumont, Texas, to W. P. H. McFadd… more
Date: September 22, 1908
Partner: McFaddin-Ward House Museum
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