42 Matching Results

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[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 6, 1859]

Description: Letter is from Maud C. Fentress to her son David discussing news from Bolivar, Tennessee and it includes: sending Kate off to school in Nashville,Maud's feelings about her children growing up, receiving Mary Tate's letter from White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, a dialogue about her stolen chickens,a conversation about Sallie starting school with Miss Hunt as her teacher and information about Jimmie and Willie's schooling, news about the weather,news about 'Aunt Mag' and her trip to Austin,a discu… more
Date: September 6, 1859
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress, September 1, 1858]

Description: Letter from M. C. (Maud) Fentress to her son, David Fentress, concerning her gathering seeds for him; the amount of money she can raise and send to him; the trial of Allick Neilson for rape; the condition of the crops; and an update on the health and activities of friends and family.
Date: September 1, 1858
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David Fentress - September 29, 1858]

Description: Letter from Maud Fentress to her son David in which she expresses concern that he has not received a check she sent him. She says she will be sending him seeds. She also updates her son on the news of family and friends.
Date: September 29, 1858
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David W. Fentress, September 28, 1865]

Description: Letter from Maud C. Fentress to her son David discussing news from Bolivar, Tennessee and it includes: a discussion regarding finance; news concerning the financial situations of family; a dialogue regarding crops to be planted and animals to be raised; news about Frank becoming Chancery Clerk and his plans to study law; news about Kate and her portion of the family's land which will be farmed on a small scale between Frank, Maud, and Kate; financial advice from Maud and news about a real estat… more
Date: September 28, 1865
Creator: Fentress, Maud C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from Maud C. Fentress to David Fentress - September 1, 1858]

Description: Transcript of a letter from M. C. (Maud) Fentress to her son, David Fentress, concerning her gathering seeds for him; the amount of money she can raise and send to him; the trial of Allick Neilson for rape; the condition of the crops; and an update on the health and activities of friends and family.
Date: September 1, 1858
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 3, 1885]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Henry S. Moore to his brother Charles B. Moore. In the letter, Henry informs Charles of news from Collin Co. and it includes: the letter sent to Sam with a turnip seed in it, a family friend's haul of corn, the construction of the reaper shelter per Charles' advice, Betty Thornhill and Neal Moore's visit, the unexpected visit of Jim Nelms, Solomon's trip to Hunt Co. and details that he has not returned yet, the plowing of … more
Date: September 3, 1885
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Mattie Vanter and Aurelia Vanter to the Moore family, September 10, 1885]

Description: These are letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. The two letters are written by Mattie Vanter and Aurelia Vanter and are addressed to the Moore family. In this letter to the Moore's, Mattie updates the family on news from her home and it includes: a notice that she has received the Moore's letter, well-wishes for arriving safely in Tennessee, a discussion noting that her family is well, news on the rainy weather, a dialogue about the camp meetings, news about friends and the trips they … more
Date: September 10, 1885
Creator: Vanter, Mattie & Vanter, Aurelia
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Sam P. Henderson, September 16, 1885]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Sam P. Henderson. In the letter, Charles updates Sam on news from Gallatin, Tennessee and it includes: the receipt of Sam's letters and an acknowledgement of what was said about their home in the letters, details about Mary Ann's and his 'circuits' to visit family and friends in Tennessee, a dialogue about Kite, the date of return trip that has yet to be solidified, the corn haul and the… more
Date: September 16, 1885
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 11, 1885]

Description: These are two letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. They are written by Henry S. Moore to his brother Charles B. Moore. In the first letter, Henry updates Charles on news about their home county in Texas and it includes: a dialogue about the quality of paper the letter is written on and details about the previews correspondence he has sent to Charles, update on the weather, political news about the prohibition party and the party's agenda, a discussion about a new star he has found in t… more
Date: September 11, 1885
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Mariah Rucker to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, September 14, 1885]

Description: These are letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mariah Rucker who is the niece of Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore. In the first letter, dated September 14, 1885, Mariah updates Mary and Charles on news about home life and it includes: a discussion about receiving the Moore's letter and waiting for Uncle Henry to read it to them, details about what Bettie and her were preparing for the camp meeting in Walnut Grove while they listened to the letter, a dialogue about the pe… more
Date: September 14, 1885
Creator: Rucker, Mariah
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 16, 1885]

Description: This letter is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Henry S. Moore to his brother Charles. In the letter, Henry details community happenings in McKinney and the news includes: a dialogue about the amount of rain they have been having, details about the recent deaths and subsequent burials, a community health brief, a discussion about his dinner plans last Monday at S. A. Wilson's and his visit to Andrew's barn after dinner, details of the conversation Henry and Andrews had whi… more
Date: September 16, 1885
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 25, 1885]

Description: This letter is from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Henry S. Moore to his brother Charles. The letter is a four page letter.In the letter,on the first and second pages, Henry updates Charles on community news and it includes: an aside concerning the letters he has received from Charles, health updates of family and friends, details on the lack of news from Hunt County, a discussion about Vick's invitation, a discussion about a trip made by friends, a dialogue about Sam's white… more
Date: September 25, 1885
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Henry S. Moore to the Moore family, September 3, 1889]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Henry S. Moore to the Moore family. In this letter, Henry updates the Moore family on the goings-on in Collin County and the news includes: confirmation that the Moore's letters were received, a dialogue about Lila and Solomon, a discussion about the new well, a weather update about the day's rain, details on how the rain halted Gross and Solomon's work on the grass, a dialogue about Gross picking up turnip seeds in Melissa… more
Date: September 3, 1889
Creator: Moore, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from H. S. Moore, September 10, 1893]

Description: Priest is very sick and weak. They have had to watch him because he gets up at night. He then mentions the weather and the need for rain. Solomon returned and is looking at land to purchase. Solomon received a letter from Clarence, but it did not mention if he had a fever. Neal did not go to church, but instead went fishing. Brother Carr came again and gave him shorthand and theology. He is getting mixed messages on the shorthand. He then talks about theology. Neal is going to Melissa. He talks… more
Date: September 10, 1893
Creator: Moore, H. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lila Franklin to Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Linnet, September 24, 1893]

Description: She was glad to hear from them because she was afraid that they had gone home and forgotten about her. She mentions that Mrs. Joyner would like to go back to Texas with them and is an old schoolmate of Mrs. Moore. She wants to get her father to go with her to Texas, but will not be able to go this year. Her mother is going to Arkansas to see her son. She received a copy of the "Democrat" by Mr. Moore of her trip to McKinney.
Date: September 24, 1893
Creator: Franklin, Lila
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from C. B. Moore to H. S. Moore, September 26, 1893]

Description: He was glad to get news from all of them. He then mentions the weather they have been experiencing. He hopes Priest and Netty are doing better and mentions Bett Wallace's improvement. Mary and Betty went to Tobe's and on the way back got caught in the rain. He went to town with Abe and also got caught in the rain on the way back. He went to Dinkie's place and met his new cousin-in-law. Mary has some sewing she needs to get done before they can leave, but he will try to leave as soon as he can. … more
Date: September 26, 1893
Creator: Moore, C. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from H. S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 29, 1893]

Description: He mentions the improvements of Priest's health. He fixed their fence because the Webb's cows kept getting into their field. He is having a good time with Brother Carr and translating shorthand. One of the Stiff boys killed a black man last Saturday. He talks about farming and the weather. Neal is in Waxahachie, Texas and is pursuing a writing career. He talks about Buck and how he has learned some obedience. He mentions that the only thing keeping them from starving is milking the cow to have … more
Date: September 29, 1893
Creator: Moore, H. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Matilda Dodd to the Moore Family, September 22, 1894]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Matilda Dodd. In this letter, Matilda updates the Moore family on the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee and the news includes: news about Will and Birdie going to singing school and other social events, a discussion about Bettie and Abe, updates on the weather, and news about family as well as details concerning correspondence from family members. She closes the letter by stating that the Moore family should write soon and t… more
Date: September 22, 1894
Creator: Dodd, Matilda
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Frank and Alice Griffin to the Moore family, September 24-26, 1894]

Description: These are letters from the Charles B. Moore Collection. The first two are written by Alice Griffin, who was Adelitia "Dinkie" McGee's daughter and niece and cousin to members of the Moore family. An additional letter is written by Frank M. Griffin, Alice's husband. In Alice's letter, she informs the Moore family of the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee and the news includes: an update on family members health, news about the weather, a discussion about Matilda Dodd, a dialogue about pickling an… more
Date: September 24, 1894
Creator: Griffin, Alice McGee & Griffin, Frank M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mary Ann Moore to Charles B. Moore, September 11, 1897]

Description: This letter is form the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Mary Ann Moore. In the letter, Moore details to Charles when they will meet in McKinney, as Charles and Linnet are returning from Gallatin, Tennessee. She updates Charles on community news and details that he has received a postcard for K. Wallace stating that Mary Jane Austin passed away. She closes the letter by noting that Jo continues to smoke as much as before and that Laura has been visiting for a couple of weeks. The e… more
Date: September 11, 1897
Creator: Moore, Mary Ann
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mary Dodd to Linnet Moore and Birdie McGee, September 14, 1897]

Description: In this letter, Dodd informs Moore and McGee of the goings-on in Willard, Tennessee. The news includes: updates about friends, gossip about finding a suitor, a discussion about the Centennial, a dialogue about photographs, and updates on family. She closes the letter by noting that she hopes that her cousins write her a long letter and sends her love to all,especially to her sister Minnie. The envelope is included with the letter.
Date: September 14, 1897
Creator: Dodd, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Travis Winham to C. B. Moore, September 25, 1882]

Description: Travis left Sherman with Miss Dora and dropped her off with her family. He took the train to visit Bettie Emerson, who was in Eurkea Springs, Arkansas. He is amazed at how big Fort Worth is. He met up with Charley Moore, whose family was in town. He was very thankful for Charley being kind and courteous. He then went to Dallas and between Fort Worth and Dallas he believes that Dallas will be The City in north east Texas. While waiting at the depot he met George Wilson. Mr Hubbard arrived with D… more
Date: September 25, 1882
Creator: Winham, Travis
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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