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[Letter from Linnet Moore to Mary Ann Moore and Birdie McGee, January 23, 1902]

Description: This document is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Linnet Moore to her mother, Mary Ann Moore, and to her cousin Birdie McGee. In the letter, Linnet details the happenings in her life since her last letter to her mother and they include: receiving her mother's most recent letter and photographs; detailing the rainy weather in Denison; and noting that she and Mrs. P went to church on Sunday morning, then for a walk on Sunday afternoon in the country. She describes t… more
Date: January 23, 1902
Creator: Moore, Linnet
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Claude White to Linnet Moore, January 3, 1901]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Claude White and is addressed to Linnet Moore. In this letter, White expresses how he felt receiving Linnet's letter, notes that he was ill for a few days, and details that he may go on vacation to McKinney to visit Linnet. He discusses how good it would do him to go on vacation and also discusses a situation with Mr. Muse. White professes his deep affections for Linnet throughout the letter. He notes that he has made a re… more
Date: January 3, 1901
Creator: White, Claude
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Claud D. White to Mrs Claude D. Moore-White, April 14, 1901]

Description: Letter from Claude White to his wife Linnet Moore White in which he says he hopes she will enjoy her trip to Austin, Texas. He said that Denison is overrun with bugs. A railroad accident that killed a switch man is described.
Date: January 14, 1901
Creator: White, Claude D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Laura Jernigan to Mary Moore, January 21, 1906]

Description: Letter discussing family, such as Belle who is 19 and married her "boy husband" the previous October. She tells of a concert at the literary school, the heavy rains, the status of their crops and livestock, and all about other family members.
Date: January 21, 1903
Creator: Jernigan, Laura
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from T. E. Penn to F. P. Loughridge, January 28, 1955]

Description: Letter from T. E. Penn to F. P. Loughridge stating that the consolidation does not violate any rules of the General Grievance Committee. However, provisions do need to be made for those who went from the Texas Central District to the 11th District with seniority entitlement. It is stated that this needs to be corrected before the consolidation takes place.
Date: January 28, 1955
Creator: Penn, T. E.
Partner: Smithville Heritage Society

[Letter to T. V. Munson, January 28, 1911]

Description: Photocopy of a letter to T. V. Munson discussing a list of grape growers in New York and stating that the author hopes to see Munson at the American Pomologist Society meeting the following month.
Date: January 28, 1911
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from T. V. Munson to G. B. Brackett, January 23, 1911]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from T. V. Munson to G. B. Brackett inquiring if there is a printed list of grape-growers of the United States available and requesting a copy of the list.
Date: January 23, 1911
Creator: Munson, T. V. (Thomas Volney), 1843-1913
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from George C. Husmann to T. V. Munson, January 30, 1911]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from George C. Husmann to T. V. Munson discussing the grape variety "Peral of Casaba" and asking if Husmann could obtain cuttings to plant in a new experiment vineyard.
Date: January 30, 1911
Creator: Husmann, George C. (George Charles), 1861-1939
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter to T. V. Munson, January 8, 1912]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from "Chas. [..], Scientific Assistant" to T. V. Munson thanking Munson for his 1912 catalog.
Date: January 8, 1912
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from Will B. Munson to George C. Husmann, January 5, 1914]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Will B. Munson to George C. Husmann asking for a copy of "Farmer's Bulletin No. 471 on Grape Propagation, Pruning and Training" which references The Munson Nurseries.
Date: January 5, 1914
Creator: Munson, William B.
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter to W. B. Munson, January 10, 1914]

Description: Photocopy of a letter to Will B. Munson discussing the origin of the Ellen Scott grape and asking whether which species it derives from. There is an handwritten note in the upper right corner of the letter.
Date: January 10, 1914
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from George C. Husmann to Will B. Munson, January 8, 1913]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from George C. Husmann to Will B. Munson stating he received Munson's letter of January 5th and that he has mailed a copy of "Farmer's Bulletin #471 on 'Grape Propagation, Pruning, and Training.'"
Date: January 8, 1914
Creator: Husmann, George C. (George Charles), 1861-1939
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from E. R. Lake to T. V. Munson & Co., January 13, 1914]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from E. R. Lake to T. V. Munson & Co. discussing several varieties of grapes T. V. Munson reported as being suited to the Southwest of the United States and asking for more information on the listed varieties.
Date: January 13, 1914
Creator: Lake, E. R.
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter to W. B. Munson, January 26, 1914]

Description: Photocopy of a letter to W. B. Munson thanking him for providing information on the New Century Cherry grape and several other varieties.
Date: January 26, 1914
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from Will B. Munson to E. R. Lake, January 19, 1914]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Will B. Munson to E. R. Lake discussing several varieties of grapes including the New Century Cherry, several muscadine hybrids, and Last Rose. Munson includes the origins of each variety and published sources of information about the varieties.
Date: January 19, 1914
Creator: Munson, William B.
Partner: Grayson College Foundation
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