Correspondence between Dr. Meyer Bodansky and Mr. Walter Scheuerman discussing the addition of a chart composed by Mr. Scheuerman for Dr. Bodansky's textbook explaining biochemistry.
Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941 & Scheuerman, Walter
Handwritten letter from A. J. Buckley to Harris L. Kempner enclosing a letter to Jose and requesting Harris forward the letter to his new address, discussing how he and Harris met in Osaka and requesting a chance to get acquainted sometime.
Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. to Group Hospital Service making a payment on the account of Mr. D. W. Kempner covering premium due Policy #10857.
Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr. To Isaac Herbert Kempner, Jr. mentio9ng about his letter of January 14th enclosing stock of the Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company covering 8 shares which stock has been placed in Box 49 for safekeeping.
Letter from A. H. Blackshear Jr. to the Temple Beth-El enclosing the dues for Mr. Herman Cohen. Blackshear requests for the Temple to credit the sum to Cohen's account.
Letter from Albert Sydney Burleson to Dr. Joseph Pound concerning Pound's wish for an increase in pensions; Burleson tells him to bring himself "within the same category of those who have heretofore been granted increases" and there will be no problem obtaining an increase. At the end of the letter he tells the doctor not to have his secretary speak for him as "she is not very popular with the members" of the respective committee.
Letter from Alvin A. Burger to Harris L. Kempner enclosing a copy of a report done by the Texas Research League on the State's vocational rehabilitation services.
Letter from American National Insurance Co. to I. H. Kempner confirming the attachment of a check (#110195) for $21.20 covering the annual dividend for policy number 1331 for the year 1951.
Letter from Arthur M. Alpert to J. Redmond Thomas discussing about an electronics company and sharing an idea to merge it with Howell Instruments.
Letter from Arthur M. Alpert to The National City Bank of Cleveland discussing stocks received by Cecile B. Kempner regarding stock splits and issued certificates.
Letter from Breithaupt & Wilson to Louis Huth, Esq. regarding a balance of $259.42 due on his account. Signed Breithaupt & Wilson in New York on January 15, 1872.
January 15, 1872
Breithaupt & Wilson
The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
Letter from Bricken & Bricken to Williams & Bradley replying to their letter regarding Samuel Rowe with information from Mrs. J. M. Mahone, who was a Rowe, and offering further assistance. They request $10.00 for their services and ask if they can do anything to help get Herbert Butler pay them back for a train bill.
Letter from Bucherer Co. to Daniel W. Kempner informing him that the replacement glass covers he requested have been ordered and should be on the way soon.
Letter from Buckley Wells to Harris L. Kempner discussing the appointment of W. W. Trigg as a representative and the suggestion of the addition of their name to the list of brokers who handle the hedge businesses.
Letter from Catherine to her husband Joe discussing news from home, including stopping her flying lessons, asking to put in a request so that she can send him a package, and recovering from her cold.
January 15, 1945
Davis, Catherine Dawe
National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation
Letter from Celia Hunter to Alberta Head giving her holiday greetings, informing them of the weather in Fairbanks, and sharing about her experiences from her 1970 travels.
Letter from Chamber Of Commerce detailing the potential location for a new hospital for mental patients on land ceded by the U.S. Army Engineers. The letter emphasizes the suitability of a ten-acre site, as recommended by Dr. Hoerster, and mentions alternate locations. I. H. Kempner is sending this letter to keep records updated and for future discussions.
January 15, 1955
University of Texas. Medical College Committee.
This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Charles informs Mary Ann of the goings-on in Advalorem, TX while she is in Gallatin, TN visiting kin. The news includes: updates on daily chores and agricultural chores, community news, updates about renting Linnet's land and the south field, and gossip from Linnet and friends. In his next letter dated, January 16, 1900, Moore details abut his morning rou…
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