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Ramón Músquiz, Political Chief of Dept. of Béxar, to Manuel de Mier y Terán, Commandant General

Description: Acknowledging receipt of the newspaper containing the report that Zavala had illegally sold his contract and notifying him that it had been forwarded to the superior authorities. Indicates also that he had circulated to the authorities under his jurisdiction the communication of 12/31/1830 from the state government to Mier y Terán relative to the illegality of such sales and of the sale of any land to foreigners not naturalized in Mexico.
Date: January 25, 1831
Creator: Músquiz, Ramón
Partner: Texas General Land Office

[Amelia Earhart and three unidentified women at TSCW]

Description: Amelia Earhart Putnam and three unidentified women at TSCW in Denton, Texas. Ms Earhart is seated at the center, while one is seated at each side and one standing to her left. She was there to present a lecture to students, entitled "Aviation Adventures," Saturday night, Jan. 25, 1936, as part of that semester's drama series. [The Denton Lass-o, January 16, 1936]
Date: 1936-01-25~
Creator: Carruth Studio
Partner: Denton Public Library
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