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[Letter from Harold G. Aron to Daniel W. Kempner, January 27, 1951]

Description: Letter from Harold G. Aron to Daniel W. Kempner discussing the introduction of a bill and appointment of a sub-committee in the senate, along with an offer to acquire an area of timberland in Labrador, Canada.
Date: January 27, 1951
Creator: Aron, Harold G.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from John R. Baker to John J. Herrera - 1977-01-27]

Description: Letter from John R. Baker to John J. Herrera, dated January 27, 1977, regarding E & J Travel dba Arizona Bank Travel Service vs. League of United Latin American Citizens. The receipt, dated January 18, 1977, totals $58 and is from the Maricopa County Clerk for reproduction of a file.
Date: January 27, 1977
Creator: Baker, John R.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Marie D. Ball to John J. Herrera - 1958-01-27]

Description: Letter from Marie D. Ball to John J. Herrera, dated January 27, 1958. In the letter, Ball refers to an attached letter and report and explains that Congressman Albert Thomas is currently unable to reply.
Date: January 27, 1958
Creator: Ball, Marie D.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Lindley Beckworth to John J. Herrera - 1966-01-27]

Description: Handwritten note from Lindley Beckworth to John J. Herrera, dated January 27, 1966, regarding Beckworth's desire to help with the National LULAC Week effort.
Date: January 27, 1966
Creator: Beckworth, Lindley
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Lloyd Bentsen to John J. Herrera - 1977-01-27]

Description: Letter from Lloyd Bentsen, Member, Committee on Public Works, United States Senate, to John J. Herrera regarding the application of Tim Parker, which will be placed for consideration for an unspecific position.
Date: January 27, 1977
Creator: Bentsen, Lloyd
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Elmer Berger to I. H. Kempner, January 27, 1953]

Description: Letter from Elmer Berger to I. H. Kempner discussing the American Council for Judaism's plan to present Lessing Rosenwald with a bound collection of letters to show their appreciation.
Date: January 27, 1953
Creator: Berger, Elmer
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Leon M. Blum to Cecile Kempner, January 27, 1958]

Description: Letter from Leon M. Blum to Cecile Kempner informing Kempner of an insurance commitment of $50,000 at standard rates and outlines estate tax-free insurance arrangements for her heirs. He provides three options: establishing an irrevocable trust, a short-term trust, or gifting a separate policy. Blum suggests Kempner discuss these strategies with her tax consultant and notes the pleasure of their recent meeting, despite it being business-related.
Date: January 27, 1958
Creator: Blum, Leon M.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Bob Brandon's parents, Lynda and Bob, to Janie Bush, January, 2003]

Description: Letter from Lynda and Bob Brandon to LSR event manager Janie Bush discussing their appreciation for Janie and their sons' friendship and thanking her for the gifts and pictures. The note is handwritten in blue ink on a Hallmark thank you card with pastel pansies on the cover and was sent in a lavender envelope.
Date: January 27, 2003
Creator: Brandon, Lynda & Brandon, Bob
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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