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[Early Passenger Train in Minnesota]

Description: On a winter morning in January 1900, the Great Northern Railway's passenger train stands at the Cokato, Minnesota depot. It is headed by an American type 4-4-0 locomotive bearing the Engine No. 127. This locomotive was built by the Schenectady Locomotive Works in 1882, and scrapped in 1916. Observe this burnished locomotive and its consist of clean and well-maintained equipment.
Date: January 1900
Creator: Barnes, Dwight
Partner: Museum of the American Railroad

[Letter from Linnet Moore to Mary Ann and Charles B. Moore, January 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Linnet Moore and is addressed to he parents, Mary Ann And Charles B. Moore. In this letter, Linnet informs the Moore's of the goings-on in her community. She discusses her daily chores, details that they have eaten all but half a sack of the sausages and have eaten one shoulder and working on the other that was sent by the Moore's to her, and notes what she prepared for dinner during Ethel Berry's visit. She updates Mary An… more
Date: January 1900
Creator: Moore, Linnet
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mary Moore to Charles and Linnet Moore and Willie McGee, January 1, 1900]

Description: Mary tells them to read their letters and was glad to hear from them. She says that they are doing well and how cold it has been. Bessie came to visit them for New Years and they cooked the turkey. She hopes they are not having bad weather and mentions that Old Wallace came and asked about them. Will McKinley came to see Birdie and he stayed until 11 o'clock. Mr. Griffin is staying at Aunt Nancy's place. Bessie has her first long dress. She asks Linnet to write and tell her what she is doing. S… more
Date: January 1, 1900
Creator: Moore, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter to C. B. Moore, January 1900]

Description: Letter to C. B. Moore that the author's father is a Wallace and a Moore. He was to sing the exit of Enon and be king. Although Charles to recite the traditions. There are also arithmetic problems written all over the letter.
Date: January 1900
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Notes About Cistern Water Level]

Description: Notes written on an envelope about the water level of the cistern. According to the note, the water level dropped over 0.5 inches a day. The envelope contains a label reading, "C. B. Moore Chambersville Tex. jan00."
Date: January 1900
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Travis County Deed Records: Deed Record 160

Description: Recorded copies of Travis County deeds, conveyances, and other muniments of title affecting ownership to real estate from January 1900 to March 1902, including warranty deeds, gift deeds, partition deeds, guardian deeds, quitclaim deeds, royalty deeds, various types of affidavits, appointments and resignations of trustees, trust indentures, transfers of liens, conveyances of liens, assignments of liens, subordination of liens, various types of partial releases, leases, easements, contracts of s… more
Date: 1900-01/1902-03
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Travis County Deed Records: Deed Record 172

Description: Recorded copies of Travis County deeds, conveyances, and other muniments of title affecting ownership to real estate from January 1900 to April 1902, including warranty deeds, gift deeds, partition deeds, guardian deeds, quitclaim deeds, royalty deeds, various types of affidavits, appointments and resignations of trustees, trust indentures, transfers of liens, conveyances of liens, assignments of liens, subordination of liens, various types of partial releases, leases, easements, contracts of s… more
Date: 1900-01/1902-04
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Travis County Probate Records: Probate Minutes 15

Description: Travis County probate minutes documenting probate cases from January 1900 to July 1901. Recorded copies of proceedings of the county court sitting as a probate court in cases involving estates of deceased individuals. Shows term of court, date of proceedings, names of officers present, subject of hearing, names of interested parties present, orders of the court, signed approval of county judge, and clerk's attestation. Arranged chronologically by date recorded.
Date: 1900-01/1901-07
Creator: Travis County (Tex.). Clerk's Office.
Partner: Travis County Clerk’s Office

Can-Filling Machine.

Description: Patent for a new and useful machine for filling bottles and analogous receptacles, including instructions and illustrations.
Date: January 2, 1900
Creator: Gebhardt, William
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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