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[Clipping: "New School Readies Ensigns for War at Sea"]

Description: Newspaper clipping containing article on Herbert C. Jones building dedication at Naval Amphibious Base in Coronado.
Date: January 16, 1988
Creator: Burgess, Tom
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Clipping: Discrepancies crop up in Nixon white papers]

Description: Newspaper clipping discussing Richard Nixon's white papers with a focus on the International Telephone & Telegraph Company (ITT) and dairy cooperatives.
Date: January 11, 1974
Creator: Strout, Richard L.
Partner: Texas Southern University

[Clipping: Frontera Norte Pedro J. Gonzalez]

Description: An article titled "Frontera Norte Pedro J. Gonzalez." The title of the article is enclosed by an oval that how hand-written words above and below its bottom edge and above its top edge. Below the headline is a single wide column of text that extends across the length of the page and then continues to the right of the headline. On the back of the clipping are large handwritten words.
Date: January 17, 1978
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006 & Robles, Joaquin Aguilar
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Division Campesina]

Description: A news clipping titled "Division Campesina." Above the title is the word "Editorial" and the newspaper's date, to the left of which is a torch icon. Two columns of text extend across the rest of the clipping.
Date: January 15, 1975
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: A Folk Hero in Retirement]

Description: A San Francisco Chronicle article titled "A Folk Hero in Retirement." The title is printed at the top of the first page of the article, next to the hand-written name and date of the newspaper. Two columns of text fills the rest of the page, continuing onto the second page of the article which has a photograph of Pedro Gonzalez above its left column of text.
Date: January 27, 1985
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006 & Damsker, Matt
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Protests Lead to Release]

Description: A NY Times article titled "Protests Lead to Release." The name of the newspaper and the date are printed in the top right corner of the page. The text of the article is printed near the page's left edge and is formatted as a single column of type.
Date: January 7, 1985
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Story of a Mexican Immigrant 'Hero']

Description: A NY Times Article with "Story of a Mexican Immigrant 'Hero'" as its headline. Three columns of text fill the space around a portrait photo of Pedro J. Gonzalez, describing his past and connection to the Mexican Revolution. Jesus Rangel is credited as the author of the article.
Date: January 7, 1985
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006 & Rangel, Jesus
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: TV Programs Today]

Description: A NY Times news clipping titled "TV Programs Today." Five columns of text include lists of program names next to the times they are scheduled to be shown at. The clipping also includes an image of a man above a brief description of Pedro J. Gonzales being interviewed for the program "Ballad of an Unsung Hero."
Date: January 7, 1985
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Selective Buildup of UT is Recommended]

Description: Clipping from the Houston Chronicle describing the conclusions reached by the Committee of 75 about the various colleges and departments within the University of Texas.
Date: January 25, 1959
Creator: Spinks, Brian
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Med. School...]

Description: Clipping from the San Antonian describing an argument for a fourth medical school for Texas to be built in San Antonio.
Date: January 3, 1957
Creator: San Antonian
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Medical Graduates Needed]

Description: Clipping from the Houston Post describing the government forecast of more demand for medical graduates.
Date: January 23, 1949
Creator: The Houston Post
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Clipping: Activist remembered as 'angel on earth]

Description: Newspaper clipping from The Dallas Morning News, featuring article "Activist remembered as 'angel on earth'" by Michael E. Young.
Date: January 24, 1999
Creator: Young, Michael E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Obituary for John Thomas]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an obituary for John Thomas, published by Restland's Funeral Home & Cemetery.
Date: January 23, 1999
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: Yes, straights can lead a sexcessful life]

Description: Photocopy of a newspaper clipping from the Chicago Sun-Times, with the article "Yes, straights can lead a sexcessful life," by Diane White.
Date: January 14, 1981
Creator: White, Diane
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Clipping: The Pink Triagle, the Yellow Star]

Description: Newspaper clipping from the Dallas Community News, with an article titled "The Pink Triangle, the Yellow Star," by Janet Cooper.
Date: January 26, 1980
Creator: Cooper, Janet
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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