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Primary view of ["Republican Unity Coalition (RUC) Statement on Senator Santorum" press release]
Francis, Charles C.
April 23, 2003
Primary view of [Press release: Why Urvashi Vaid stood up to speak to George Bush]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 10, 1990
Primary view of [Copy: Handwritten notes, a drug study]
unknown creator
April 2, 1991
Primary view of [Research notes: Alan Ross]
unknown creator
April 8, 1993
Primary view of [List and schedule: March on Austin Endorsing Groups]
March on Austin for Lesbian/Gay Equal Rights
Primary view of [Press release: For love and justice - a walk against hate]
unknown creator
April 1, 1992
Primary view of LGPC Candidate Screening
Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition
April 3, 1989
Primary view of [Press release: March on Austin for Lesbian/Gay equal rights scheduled Sunday]
March on Austin
April 1989
Primary view of [Press release: Property owned by Craig McDaniel is a drug house]
Ed Oakley Campaign
April 23, 1993
Primary view of [Press release: June is national lobby days month]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 30, 1992
Primary view of [Committed Team Dallas/ Gay Games members]
unknown creator
April 22, 1994
Primary view of [Press release: Government drags feet on anti-gay hate crime]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 15, 1992
Primary view of [Press release: Meet Me in Atlanta!]
National Lesbian Conference
April 1991
Primary view of [Press release: D.C. enacts domestic partner law following last-minute attack by religious leaders]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 16, 1992
Primary view of [Press release: El Paso military places gay bar off limits to personnel]
Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas
April 1, 1992
Primary view of [Fax: From S. Mackey to P. Von Wupperfeld]
Dallas Voice
April 1, 1994
Primary view of [Search warrant request: Moore v Roberts]
unknown creator
April 23, 1989
Primary view of [Flyer: The People of Color Caucus]
unknown creator
April 1989
Primary view of [Press release: NGLTF calls on President Bush to reject evangelicals' "special rights" rhetoric]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 22, 1992
Primary view of [Copy of handwritten note written April 28]
unknown creator
April 28, 1991
Primary view of [Brochure: March on Austin for Lesbian/Gay Equal Rights]
March on Austin
April 30, 1989
Primary view of [Press release: Plenary speakers slated for fifth annual Creating Change Conference]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (U.S.)
April 30, 1992
Primary view of [Copy of press release: El Paso military places gay bar off limits to personnel
Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas
April 1, 1992
Primary view of [Press release: Rockers, Pols oppose anti-gay discrimination]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force]
April 16, 1992
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