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James Williams's Funeral Notice

Description: This funeral notice includes information regarding James Williams's death and funeral services on June 8, 1897.
Date: June 8, 1897
Partner: Denton Public Library

I.O.O.F. Cemetery Deed

Description: The deed contains C. C. Bell's purchase of the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, located in Denton, Texas, for the sum of twenty dollars on June 13th, 1887. The deed was drafted and signed in the Denton Lodge, No. 82, of the I.O.O.F.
Date: 1887-06-13?
Creator: Long, D.R.
Partner: Denton Public Library

In Loving Rememberance of Mrs. Jessamine Blount

Description: A short poem commemorates the life of Jessamine Blount who died on June 28, 1900 at the age of 49. Dr. J. P. Blount, first president of a Denton bank, survived his wife.
Date: 1900-06-28~
Creator: Blount Family
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Reeves]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a monument in the I.O.O.F Cemetery for Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reeves on June 3, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-03~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Francis M. Craddock]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a monument in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery for Francis M. Craddock on June 12, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-12~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for W. S. (Bill) Fry]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a monument in the I.O.O.F Cemetery for W. S. (Bill) Fry on June 16, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-15~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a monument in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery for Mr. and Mrs. Williams on June 16, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-16~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Martha McReynolds]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a monument in the Oakwood Cemetery for Martha McReynolds on June 16, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-15~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Mrs. W. S. Fry]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a marker in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery for Mrs. W. S. Fry on June 16, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-16~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Cemetery permit for Lester Edward Fry (Infant)]

Description: The permit certifies Denton Monument Works the authorization to erect a marker in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery for Lester Edward Fry (Infant) on June 16, 1955.
Date: 1955-06-16~
Creator: City of Denton
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Certificate of Commendation to the Denton City Council]

Description: Certificate of Commendation awarded to the Denton City Council by the Texas Historical Commission for distinguished service in the field of historic preservation. The certificate was awarded on June 5, 1980.
Date: June 5, 1980
Partner: Denton Public Library

Six pages from journal of Julia Williams, 1933

Description: Entries from Julie Williams's journal date from June 4, 1933, to July 30, 1933. Some of the entries are written on stationary from the Williams Store in Denton, Texas.
Date: 1933-06-04~
Creator: Williams, Julia
Partner: Denton Public Library

[Program: Texas Normal College, Commencement Concert, 1891]

Description: Program for the commencement concert at Texas Normal College on June 17, 1891. The program includes the order of services and the titles, creators, and performers of musical pieces. On the back, the name of Mrs. William (Effie Wright) Williams at 516 W. Oak Street is written.
Date: 1891-06-17?
Creator: North Texas State Normal College
Partner: Denton Public Library

The Great Southerner, Volume 15, Number 9, June 1936

Description: Front cover and frontispiece of "The Great Southerner." The cover has a picture of the Memorial Shaft at the San Jacinto Battle Ground
Date: June 1936
Creator: Great Southern Life Insurance Company
Partner: Star of the Republic Museum
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