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[Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre, June 14, 1818]

Description: Letter from Elizabeth Upshur Teackle to her sister, Ann Upshur Eyre. She apologizes for not writing and says that she misses her daughter and husband, who are away from home. She writes about hosting a party and her lack of crops from her garden. She talks at length about visits from Sarah Sergeant Miller's family and a visit from James Billings Steele, where he left "half the girls of Somerset in love with him." She gives a brief update on their acquaintances, naming Peter Guillet, Edward Wils… more
Date: 1818-06-14/1818-06-15
Creator: Teackle, Elizabeth Upshur
Partner: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
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