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Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1925-1926

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1925
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1927-1928

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1927
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1928-1929

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1928
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1929-1930

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1929
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1930-1931

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1930
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1931-1932

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1931
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1932-1933

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1932
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1933-1934

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1933
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1934-1935

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1934
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: 1935-1936

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1935
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: June 1924

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1924
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State Teachers College: June 1936

Description: Catalog for North Texas State College includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the school (academic calendar, list of officers and faculty, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.).
Date: June 1936
Creator: North Texas State Teachers College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Catalog of North Texas State University: 1977-1978, Undergraduate

Description: The North Texas State University General Bulletin includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the university (academic calendar, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.) about research, and about the colleges and schools on campus. Index starts on page 294.
Date: June 1977
Creator: North Texas State University
Partner: UNT Libraries

Catalog of North Texas State University, 1978-1979, Graduate

Description: The North Texas State University Graduate Bulletin includes information about class offerings as well as general information about the university (academic calendar, admissions and degree requirements, financial information, etc.) about research, and about the colleges and schools on campus. Index starts on page 284.
Date: June 1978
Creator: North Texas State University
Partner: UNT Libraries
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