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[Postcard of Three Women Laughing]

Description: Postcard of three women with reddish-brown hair laughing and embracing one another. One wears a pale green dress and red sash, another wears a lavender dress, and the other a white dress with a green sash. The letter reads, "Have you heard from Smith? It seems ages since I've seen you. How are you getting along at school? Called Sig tonight - what if she has changed her mind. Write soon. Marie. 1009 Resk Ave." The postcard is addressed to "Miss Mamie McFaddin Beaumont, Texas, to W. P. H. McFadd… more
Date: September 22, 1908
Partner: McFaddin-Ward House Museum

Pin-Box and Fastener.

Description: Patent for a pin box fastener, which holds the tape inside the box while allowing the pins to be withdrawn.
Date: September 22, 1908
Creator: Kimbler, Henry Randolphus
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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