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[Letter from Sandra Cisneros to Sterling Houston - November 4, 1997]

Description: Letter from Sandra Cisneros to Sterling Houston, prominent San Antonio playwright. She invites him to a celebration honoring MacArthur guests and the stage play "Ofrendas del Alma, del Corazon, y de la Mente" (translated to Offerings from the Soul, the Heart, and the Mind). At the end of her letter, she provides instructions to her home.
Date: November 4, 1997
Creator: Cisneros, Sandra
Partner: UT San Antonio Libraries Special Collections

Lorenzo de Zavala to Stephen F. Austin, November 30th 1835

Description: Concerning a league of land for his family, the Consultation, and his general situation. Austin’s instruction to Gail Borden about Zavala’s land are included with this document.
Date: November 30, 1835
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: Texas General Land Office
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