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[Clipping: Women Pilots given their due by Museum of Flight]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about WASP being honored for their service in WWII at the seventh annual Texas Aviation Hall of Fame induction gala. Portions of other articles are visible on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 26, 2004
Creator: Bishop, Jim
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: 'Our Daring Young Women']

Description: Clipping of a magazine article about WWII WASP serving as role models for female pilots in the U.S. Air Force. The article includes photographs of some of the WASP pilots.
Date: November 1984
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Local & State Section of Orlando Sentinal, November 8, 2002]

Description: The "Local & State" section of the November 2002 issue of the Orlando Sentinel. Articles about local news, recent crimes, obituaries, and more are included. Linda Florea's article about the sixtieth reunion of the Women Airforce Service Pilots ("WASPs added sting to nation's air power") and a color photograph of seven WASP can be found on the section's first page.
Date: November 8, 2002
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Broward salutes those who served]

Description: Newspaper clipping of photographs from events across South Florida, honoring U.S. veterans, including WASP member Helen Wyatt Snapp. On the back of the clipping is an article about a Latin American activist and obituary listings.
Date: November 12, 2008
Creator: Gyllenhaal, Anders
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: WASPs Celebrate First Birthday November 12th]

Description: Newspaper clipping with an article about Mrs. Yount speaking at a WASP graduation, the celebration of their first birthday, their attendance to a local movie premier. There is red text over the clipping that reads: "WOMEN AIRFORCE SERVICE PILOTS WWII 50TH ANNIVERSARY AVENGER FIELD SWEETWATER, TX. 22 MAY 1993".
Date: November 19, 1943
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: "Missileer, 45th Space Wing"]

Description: Copy of the 44th issue of the 44th volume of Missileer. Included are articles about celebrating Veteran's Day, World War One, spacecraft launching programs, action being taken on Air Force Space Command's credit card abuse, identity theft, the Red Cross sending care packages to soldiers, and the WASP and a recent visit to fly on the HC-130 orientation flight.
Date: November 8, 2002
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: S.A. Girl Gets WASP Wings]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about Eleanor Michel McLernon's graduation from the WASP flight school and Esther L. Stahr beginning her training for WASP flight school. The article includes close-up photographs of both women. There is part of a large advertisement on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 12, 1944
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: The Sky Was No Limit: On the Wings of a Wasp]

Description: Clipping from Texas Highways magazine about the Women's Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), its history, and its members' during service in WWII. The article includes photographs of the WASP and their planes.
Date: November 2002
Creator: Rice, Melinda
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: The Neighbors]

Description: Newspaper clipping of a one-panel comic depicting a young woman angrily putting on a coat, talking to an older woman sitting in a living room. The caption reads, "Some day all the women will be telling their grand-children how they ferried bombers and stuff! I'll be pointed out as the one who sat evenings with the neighbors' children." Advertisements with illustrations for clothing are visible on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 13, 1942
Creator: Clark, George
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping photocopy: New WASP Uniforms Give Women Fliers Swank]

Description: Photocopy of a newspaper article about WASP members receiving new uniforms, and includes a description of WASP members' current duties. The article is surrounded by another article and several advertisements, including one for Mission Garden Tea. At the top of the photocopy, the date of the article and newspaper name (The New York Times) are handwritten.
Date: November 17, 1943
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Tours of B-17 bomber will be given at regional airport]

Description: Newspaper clippings of an article about a B-17 bomber on display at Victoria Regional Airport. The article includes a photograph of the plane and one of the men who got the plane to the airport for display, Jim Ryan. On the back of the clippings are local advertisements and articles.
Date: November 19, 1997
Creator: Delaney, Tim
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Women pilots received training for secret operation in WWII]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about WASP and their experiences serving in WWII. The article includes a photograph of WASP wearing jumpsuits and walking away from a plane. There are illustrated advertisements for jackets on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 11, 1991
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: They just wanted to fly]

Description: Newspaper clippings of an article about WASP members, including Grace Birge Mayfield, Mary Macabe, Kristine Lent, Alice Riff, Ann Oliver, Ann Criswell Adden, Verda Mae Jennings Lowe, Betty Haas Pfister, Florene Miller, Millicent Young, and Barbara Flemming Foss. The article discusses the personal experiences of the women serving in WWII. On the back of the clippings, there is an advertisement for a drapery shop and an article on catalog ordering.
Date: November 6, 1988
Creator: Magid, Ken
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Pilot to tell story of women fliers]

Description: Newspaper clipping of a very brief article announcing an upcoming opportunity to hear Eleanor "Mickey" Brown, a WASP member, speak at the Victoria Public Library on the evening of November 21, 2002. On the back of the clipping is part of an article about a local election.
Date: November 8, 2002
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Women pilots given their due by Museum of Flight]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about WASP being honored for their service in WWII at the seventh annual Texas Aviation Hall of Fame induction gala. Portions of other articles are visible on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 26, 2004
Creator: Bishop, Jim
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Women pilots given their due by Museum of Flight]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about WASP being honored for their service in WWII at the seventh annual Texas Aviation Hall of Fame induction gala. Portions of other articles are visible on the back of the clipping.
Date: November 26, 2004
Creator: Bishop, Jim
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Clipping: Secret role of women fliers recalled]

Description: Newspaper clipping of an article about WASP being hidden from public knowledge, including the U.S. Department of Defense withholding veteran status from the women who served in WWII. The article includes a photograph of a group of young women in jumpsuits walking away from a small propeller plane. On the back of the clipping is a large advertisement for a sale, and part of an article about Fort Concho.
Date: November 24, 1991
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Advertisement: "The Patchwork Era"]

Description: Newspaper clipping with an advertisement for Ken's Man's Shop, "The Patchwork Era" published by The Dallas Morning News November 13, 1975.
Date: November 13, 1975
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Advertisement: "We Keep Good Company"]

Description: Newspaper clipping with an advertisement for Ken's Man's Shop, "We Keep Good Company" published by The Dallas Morning News, November 1976.
Date: November 14, 1976
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Denton Record-Chronicle clipping, November 23, 1990]

Description: A clipping from the Denton Record-Chronicle of an article about UNT College of Visual Arts Dean Dr. D. Jack Davis being named the Texas Art Educator of the Year.
Date: November 23, 1990
Creator: Denton Record-Chronicle
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Denton Record-Chronicle Education article, November 20, 1994]

Description: A clipping from the Education section of the Denton Record-Chronicle of an article written by April M. Washington. The piece focuses on Dr. R. William McCarter, a professor at UNT and the co-director of the NTIEVA program.
Date: November 20, 1994
Creator: Washington, April M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Denton Record-Chronicle clipping, November 13, 1992]

Description: A clipping from the Denton Record-Chronicle covering a 'Living Paintings' event held at Sam Houston Elementary School. Two students, Nathan Wood and Joel Grimm, are pictured.
Date: November 13, 1992
Creator: Denton Record-Chronicle
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[UNT UPDATE clipping, Vol. 21 No. 5, November 12, 1990]

Description: A clipping from the UNT UPDATE publication that covers UNT news. The piece covers a convention that the NTIEVA staff attended and presented at.
Date: November 12, 1990
Creator: University of North Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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