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[Letter from General H. H. Arnold to Charlyne Creger, December 7, 1944]

Description: Letter from the General H. H. Arnold to Rosa C. Creger recognizing the services performed by the Women Airforce Service Pilots(U.S.) during World War II and explaining reasons to demobilize the WASPs.
Date: December 7, 1944
Creator: Arnold, Henry Harley
Partner: National WASP WWII Museum

[Transcript of Letter from Moses Austin to James Bryan, December 7, 1814]

Description: Copy of transcript for a letter from Moses Austin to James Bryan on December 7, 1814, discussing news from Stephen F. Austin, a transaction with a neighbor, and a man who wishes to live near Bryan and distill whiskey.
Date: December 7, 1814
Creator: Austin, Moses
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Michelle Barnes to W. Ervin - December 7, 1989]

Description: Letter from Michelle Barnes to W. Ervin discussing the scope of the Educational and Economic Development Opportunities Program in the Arts for Youth and requesting space on the campus of James D. Ryan Middle School to host the program.
Date: December 7, 1989
Creator: Barnes, Michelle
Partner: Rice University Woodson Research Center

[Letter from Joseph R. Bertig to D. W. Kempner, December 7, 1949]

Description: Letter from Joseph R. Bertig to D. W. Kempner discussing his gratitude for birthday wishes and the condition about his neck which doesn't get any better. He also mentions that he is returning the Osceola property advertisement as he has no knowledge on whose property that is.
Date: December 7, 1949
Creator: Bertig, Joseph R.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from A. H. Blackshear, Jr., to J. E. Meyers, December 7, 1956]

Description: Letter from Blackshear, A. H., Jr. to J. E. Meyers discussing about a check payable to The Estate of Daniel W. Kempner in the amount of $50. Also, mentions about the refund of deposit made by Mr. D. W. Kempner when the automobile was returned to United States.
Date: December 7, 1956
Creator: Blackshear, A. H., Jr.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Erne Buhler to John J. Herrera - 1944-12-07]

Description: Letter declaring that John J. Herrera's Application for Admission to the Bar has been approved by the Bar Committee.
Date: December 7, 1944
Creator: Buhler, Erne
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Peggy Carswell to T. N. Carswell - December 7, 1945]

Description: A letter written to Daddy [T. N. Carswell] from Peggy [Peggy Carswell], Abilene, Texas, dated December 7, 1945. Peggy describes her skills in her typing and short hand class and about wanting to apply for a job at K R B C citing that "Frances Evens from Simmons did" but to only work in the afternoon after class. She conveys the need to earn her own money but notes that Mother seems to think no lady does such a thing. She advises that she can work in the afternoons and study at night since sh… more
Date: December 7, 1945
Creator: Carswell, Peggy
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from T. N. Carswell to Frank Bell - December 7, 1942]

Description: A letter written to Frank Bell, San Angelo, Texas, from T. N. Carswell, dated December 7, 1942. Carswell reminds Bell of when the Concho River caused so much trouble for San Angelo and advises him that if any Legionnaire was sufficiently active at that time that he would like to recommend him for Disaster Relief Chairman.
Date: December 7, 1942
Creator: Carswell, T. N. (Thomas Norwood)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from T. N. Carswell to Henry B. Wiener - December 7, 1942]

Description: A letter written to Mr. Henry B. Wiener, San Antonio, Texas, from T. N. Carswell, dated December 7, 1942. An advisement to Wiener from Carswell recommending Russell S. Stephens as the proper man to help with the American Legion Oratorical Contest.
Date: December 7, 1942
Creator: Carswell, T. N. (Thomas Norwood)
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from J. J. Click to J. H. Major - December 7, 1898]

Description: Letter from J. J. Click demanding money from J. H. Major that he claims is owed to him. He also claims that Major is living well while he is suffering from financial troubles.
Date: December 7, 1898
Creator: Click, John Jones
Partner: Private Collection of J. K. Johnson
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