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[Letter from Zavala to Victoria, December 12, 1828]

Description: Zavala to Victoria: State of affairs in Cuernavaca after the slaughter of Spaniards by troops. Offers his services to the government. Cuernavaca, December 12, 1828.
Date: December 12, 1828
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from J.E. Simmons to Mrs. Isaac Zachary Taylor Morris]

Description: Letter from J.E. Simmons to Mrs. Isaac Zachary Taylor Morris (Isabella Waters Morris). The letter was sent on December 12, 1914.
Date: December 12, 1914
Creator: Simmons, J. E.
Partner: Archives of the Central Texas Conference United Methodist Church

[Letter from W. J. McKinley to Claude D. White, December 12, 1909]

Description: Letter from W. J. McKinley to Claude D. White. He comments that Birdie will be living in her grandfather's house that is being redone. He would like to have them come visit him. He plans to stay where he is because otherwise he couldn't bring Birdie with him. He talks about farm land selling and the nice profit people are making. He thinks there are good opportunities in Washington and Oregon. He would like them to come visit for Christmas.
Date: December 12, 1909
Creator: McKinley, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude White, and Linnet Moore White, December 12, 1909]

Description: Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White. She says that she is not going to write as often, not because she doesn't think of them. She asks about the weather. She talks about killing hogs and making lard. She is trying to move into her new house, but the contractors haven't finished yet. She wishes they could spend Christmas with them. She gives news on everyone. Mr. Thornhill died of a locked jaw. She receives news from Minnie and Sallie. She has a picture she wants t… more
Date: December 12, 1909
Creator: McKinley, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Transcript of Letter from Moses Austin to James Bryan, December 12, 1814]

Description: Copy of a transcript for a letter from Moses Austin to James Bryan, on December 12, 1814, discussing a debt he cannot pay, the happenings at his lead mine, and the transportation of slaves that Stephen F. Austin has bought.
Date: December 12, 1814
Creator: Austin, Moses
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to H. S. Connally - December 1938]

Description: Copy of a letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. H. B. Connally asking for a letter of encouragement written to a friend, Dr. Gottschalk, a recent immigrant to the United States. Dr. Bodansky states several hardships Dr. Gottschalk is undergoing along with several other doctors who are refugees from Germany with the onset of World War II and asks Dr. Connally's help as a member of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. He asks Dr. Connally to look for the good in the doctors and overlook … more
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to H. S. Connally - December 1938]

Description: Copy of a letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. H. B. Connally asking for a letter of encouragement written to a friend, Dr. Gottschalk, a recent immigrant to the United States. Dr. Bodansky states several hardships Dr. Gottschalk is undergoing along with several other doctors who are refugees from Germany with the onset of World War II and asks Dr. Connally's help as a member of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. He asks Dr. Connally to look for the good in the doctors and overlook … more
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Correspondence between Meyer Bodansky and Donald Slaughter - December 1939]

Description: Letters between Dr. Meyer Bodansky, who is from the Department of Pathological Chemistry at the University of Texas Medical School, and Dr. Donald Slaughter, who is from the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the Baylor University School of Medicine. The first letter is dated December 12, 1939 and is from Dr. Slaughter. He requests that Dr. Bodansky contact him so they can organize a chapter of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. The second letter is a response from Dr.… more
Date: December 12, 1939
Creator: Slaughter, Donald & Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to N. D. Buie - December 1938]

Description: Letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. N. D. Buie asking for a letter of encouragement written to a friend, Dr. Gottschalk, a recent immigrant to the United States. Dr. Bodansky states several hardships Dr. Gottschalk is undergoing along with several other doctors who are refugees from Germany with the onset of World War II.
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to N. D. Buie - December 1938]

Description: Copy of a letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. N. D. Buie asking for a letter of encouragement written to a friend, Dr. Gottschalk, a recent immigrant to the United States. Dr. Bodansky states several hardships Dr. Gottschalk is undergoing along with several other doctors who are refugees from Germany with the onset of World War II.
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to J. T. Crowe - December 1938]

Description: Letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. J. T. Crowe, Secretary of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Bodansky expresses concerns about several doctors who are refugees from Germany who have been denied medical licenses in the state of Texas by the Board of Examiners. Dr. Bodansky gives one example of a Dr. Gottschalk who has proven his medical credentials and been denied a license in the United States.
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Meyer Bodansky to J. T. Crowe - December 1938]

Description: Letter from Dr. Meyer Bodansky to Dr. J. T. Crowe, Secretary of the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Bodansky expresses concerns about several doctors who are refugees from Germany who have been denied medical licenses in the state of Texas by the Board of Examiners. Dr. Bodansky gives one example of a Dr. Gottschalk who has proven his medical credentials and been denied a license in the United States. The Letter has a handwritten addition, "Would he be eligible to take the examin… more
Date: December 12, 1938
Creator: Bodansky, Meyer, 1896-1941
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

[Letter from Jim Garcia and John J. Herrera to Houston LULAC members - 1951-12-12]

Description: Letter from Jim Garcia, Chairman of the Houston LULAC Council Christmas Basket Drive, and John J. Herrera, Assistant to the Chairman, to LULAC "Friends," dated December 12, 1951. This letter asks for donations to help with the annual LULAC Christmas Basket Drive.
Date: December 12, 1951
Creator: Garcia, Jim
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Leerie R. Giese to John Herrera - 1952-12-12]

Description: Letter from Leerie R. Giese, Manager of the Brazoria County Chamber of Commerce in Angleton, Texas, to John Herrera, LULAC National President, dated December 12, 1952. A cover letter that regarding the minutes of Herrera's meeting with the Brazoria County Chamber of Commerce on December 9, 1952.
Date: December 12, 1952
Creator: Giese, Leerie R.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from John J. Herrera to George I. Sánchez - 1957-12-12]

Description: Letter from John J. Herrera to George Sánchez regarding Gus, a mutual acquaintance. Gus is staying with Herrera at Herrera's home since being discharged from the hospital and his health is improving. The law firm of Herrera and Garcia has moved to a new place. Herrera is seriously considering a run for the legislature and will have Gus take care of his law business and his speech making. Gus and Herrera would like to go to Austin to discuss the Harris County political situation with Sánchez .
Date: December 12, 1957
Creator: Herrera, John J.
Partner: Hoston History Research Center at Houston Public Library
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