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[Letter from Cassandra Broadus to Jeannie Sellmeyer, December 17, 1990]

Description: Photocopy of a letter from Cassandra Broadus to Jeannine Sellmeyer, Director of Education at the Denton Co. Historical Museum, writing how much Broadus enjoyed the Docent Training Workshop and for giving Broadus an opportunity to work with the docents. Enclosed in the letter to Sellmeyer, Broadus has sent teacher packets and museum education brochures from Meadows Museum at SMU, to help Sellmeyer gather new ideas for her education tour at the Historical Museum. Teacher packets not present with … more
Date: December 17, 1990
Creator: Broadus, Cassandra
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from T. V. Learson to Kenith L. Ballard - 1971-12-17]

Description: Letter from T. V. Learson to Kenith L. Ballard reiterating his position that Ballard is ineligible for "the Special Opportunity" due to timing of his official retirement date.
Date: December 17, 1971
Creator: Learson, T. V.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Manuel H. Garcia to Sherman Montgomery - 1975-12-17]

Description: Letter from LULAC attorney, Manuel H. Garcia to Sherman Montgomery, Chairman of Banco Internacional on December 17, 1975, asking for more time to review LULAC's financial records and perform an audit before attempting to resolve a debt owed to Banco Internacional in Tucson, Arizona.
Date: December 17, 1975
Creator: Garcia, Manuel H.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter from Manuel H. Garcia to Manuel Gonzales - 1975-12-17]

Description: Letter from Manuel H. Garcia to Manuel Gonzales on December 17, 1975, regarding LULAC's financial records and immediate need to conduct an audit.
Date: December 17, 1975
Creator: Garcia, Manuel H.
Partner: Houston History Research Center at Houston Public Library

[Letter to Dr. Thomas Moore from J. De Cordova, Dec. 17, 1856]

Description: Letter from Jacob de Cordova (by L.J. Reed) to Dr. Thomas Moore, discussing various land accounts, including patents held by Anson Jone's brother.
Date: December 17, 1856
Creator: De Cordova, Jacob Raphael
Partner: Bosque County Historical Commission

[Letter from John T. Vaughn Jr. to Jack Hampton, 1988-12-17]

Description: Letter from John T. Vaughn, Jr. sent to Judge Jack Hampton on December 17, 1988. Vaughn condemns Hampton on his decision in the murder of Tom Trimble and John Griffin.
Date: December 17, 1988
Creator: Vaughn Jr., John T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from H. N. Atkinson to Joseph Seinsheimer, December 17, 1924]

Description: Letter from H. N. Atkinson to Joseph Seinsheimer discussing the necessary paperwork for the sale of a piece of property from Mrs. Eliza Kempner to Mr. W. B. Campbell. A handwritten note at the bottom of the page asks Mr. Seinsheimer if he has any spare maps of the property to give to Mr. Campbell.
Date: December 17, 1924
Creator: Atkinson, H. N.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Al Daniels]

Description: Letter from Al Daniels to Susan Hayes about missing loaned items.
Date: 2004-12-17/2005-03
Creator: Daniels, Al
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Don Baker to Tom]

Description: A letter from Don Baker sent to Dick Peeples and Ann Myrick pertaining to the 21.06 case fundraiser and Terry Williams' donation towards the Texas Human Rights Foundation.
Date: December 17, 1985
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Al Daniels]

Description: Letter from Al Daniels to Susan Hayes concerning the loaning of flags and bunting to the Dallas County Democratic Party.
Date: 2004-12-17/2005-03
Creator: Daniels, Al
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Telegram From Randall Jacobs to Rose Spaeth - December 17, 1941]

Description: Telegram from Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Rose Spaeth informing her that her son, Alvis "Red" Spaeth, was lost in action. He asks Mrs. Spaeth not to divulge any information regarding her son's ship or station, to prevent aiding their enemies. Multiple dates, addresses, and lines of text are written and printed on the back of the telegram.
Date: December 17, 1942
Creator: Jacobs, Randall
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Telegram from Randall Jacobs to Rosa Spaeth, December 17, 1942]

Description: Telegram to Rosa Spaeth from the Chief of Naval Personnel, Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs, alerting her of the loss of her son Johnnie Spaeth. He was killed in action while serving in the Pacific during World War II.
Date: December 17, 1942
Creator: Jacobs, Randall
Partner: National Museum of the Pacific War/Admiral Nimitz Foundation

[Letter from W. J. Wisdom to T. N. Carswell - December 17, 1941]

Description: A letter written to Mr. Tommy Carswell, Abilene, Texas from W. J. (Bill) Wisdom, 17th District Commander, Stephenville, Texas, dated December 17, 1941. Wisdom expresses his appreciation for Carswell's good will and whole-hearted cooperation during the time that Wisdom was district commander and extends Christmas greetings.
Date: December 17, 1941
Creator: Wisdom, W. J.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Ed C. Leach to I. H. Kempner, December 17, 1954]

Description: Letter from Ed C. Leach to I. H. Kempner thanking him for bringing his New York friends to the Jack Tar Hotel and for helping to advertise the hotel beyond the community level.
Date: December 17, 1954
Creator: Leach, Ed C.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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