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[Footing Reinforcement]

Description: Photograph of a footing reinforcement for a concrete pile cap in the Brownsville post office. It consists of a large square panel with four rows of four round objects covered with metal rods in a criss-cross pattern. A text on the front of the photograph reads "'Rogers' Photo 12-17-1931."
Date: December 17, 1931
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Miller Hotel Advertising Board #1]

Description: Photograph of an advertising board within the Miller Hotel in Brownsville. The board contains a grid of small advertisements laid out on a wall within the hotel, with a main sign at the top of the board bearing the exhortation to "Patronize These Friendly Firms". Several of the signs advertise products such as Coca-Cola, beer, bread, groceries, lumber, furniture, and bottling or services such as realty, banking, ambulance services, plumbing and repair services, optometry, and insurance. A wall … more
Date: December 17, 1948
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Miller Hotel Advertising Board #2]

Description: Photograph of an advertising board within the Miller Hotel in Brownsville. The board contains a grid of small advertisements laid out on a wall within the hotel, with a main sign at the top of the board bearing the exhortation to "Patronize These Friendly Firms". Several of the signs advertise products such as Coca-Cola, beer, bread, groceries, lumber, furniture, and bottling or services such as realty, banking, ambulance services, plumbing and repair services, optometry, and insurance. A wall … more
Date: December 17, 1948
Creator: A. Rogers Studio
Partner: Brownsville Historical Association

[Letter from J. S. Abbott to Meyer Bodansky - December 17, 1940]

Description: Letter from J. S. Abbott to Dr. Bodansky regarding his approval of Dr. Bodansky's testimony at the hearing on a definition and standard of identity for oleomargarine and his pleasure of becoming acquainted with him. He also expresses his interest that Bodansky mention their meeting to Abbott's brother-in-law and his son who is a graduate at Bodansky's medical college.
Date: December 17, 1940
Creator: Abbott, J. S.
Partner: Moody Medical Library, UT

Impact Conference Study Guide 1976

Description: This study guide contains four parts and an Appendix. The first two parts are aimed at acquainting you with why the Advisory Council wanted to hold an "Impact Conference" in your community.
Date: December 17, 1975
Creator: Advisory Council for Technical-Vocational Education in Texas
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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