27 Matching Results

Search Results

Primary view of [Letter from Anna Boyd to Charles B. Moore, April 27, 1899]
Boyd, Anna
April 27, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Anne B. McKey to Linnet White, April 27, 1917]
McKey, Anne B.
April 27, 1917
Primary view of [Letter from Bessie Franklin to Claude, Linnet, and Ruth White, December 27, 1916]
Franklin, Bessie
December 27, 1916
Primary view of [Letter from Bettie Franklin to Claude D. White, September 27, 1916]
Franklin, Bettie
September 27, 1916
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Linnet Moore, July 27, 1898]
Moore, Charles B.
July 27, 1898
Primary view of [Letter from Claude D. White to his children, August 27, 1917]
White, Claude D.
August 27, 1917
Primary view of [Letter from Claude D. White to Linnet Moore, October 27, 1899]
White, Claude D.
October 27, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, May 27, 1876]
McGee, Dinkie
May 27, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from Dinkie McGee to Mary Ann Dodd Moore, October 27, 1876]
McGee, Dinkie
October 27, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from F. M. Griffin to Mary Moore, August 27, 1907]
Griffin, F. M. & Griffin, Alice
August 27, 1907
Primary view of [Letter from Henry Moore to C. B. Moore and Company, August 27, 1893]
Moore, Henry S.
August 27, 1893
Primary view of [Letter from Henry S. Moore to Charles B. Moore, October 27, 1844]
Moore, Henry S.
October 27, 1844
Primary view of [Letter from Josephus Moore to Charles Moore, March 27, 1864]
Moore, Josephus C.
March 27, 1864
Primary view of [Letter from Laura Jernigan to Henry Moore, March 27. 1887
Jernigan, Laura
March 27, 1887
Primary view of [Letter from Linnet Moore to C. B. Moore, May 27, 1895]
Moore, Linnet
May 27, 1895
Primary view of [Letter from Lyle A. Stephenson to Claude D. White, March 27, 1914]
Stephenson, Lyle A.
March 27, 1914
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mary Moore, January 27, 1876]
Dodd, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
January 27, 1876
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Bettie Franklin to Mr. Moore and Sis, April 27, 1879]
Dodd, Matilda & Franklin, Bettie
April 27, 1879
Primary view of [Letter from Matilda Dodd and Dinkie McGee to Sis and Mr. Moore, July 27, 1890]
Dodd, Matilda & McGee, Dinkie
July 27, 1890
Primary view of [Letter from Sally Thornhill to Linnet White and Family, December 27, 1916]
Thornhill, Sally
December 27, 1916
Primary view of [Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Ann Moore and Linnet Moore White, June 27, 1913]
Thornhill, Sally
June 27, 1913
Primary view of [Letter from Sam E. Wanford to Charles B. Moore, August 27, 1883]
Wanford, Sam E.
August 27, 1882
Primary view of [Letter from W. J. and Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore and Claude and Linnet White, November 27, 1905]
McKinley, W. J. & McGee, Birdie
November 27, 1905
Primary view of [Letter to Charles and Mary Moore, May 27, 1895]
unknown creator
May 27, 1895
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