78 Matching Results

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Primary view of [Charles Moore Letter Book]
Moore, Charles B.
January 1865
Primary view of [Letter from Alice and Dinkie McGee and William Dodd to Mollie and Charles Moore, January 1, 1888]
Dodd, William; McGee, Alice & McGee, Dinkie
January 1, 1888
Primary view of [Letter from Alta Bryan to Linnet Moore, January 29, 1899]
Bryan, Alta
January 29, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Bettie Franklin to Matilda Dodd and Mary Moore, January 28, 1877]
Franklin, Bettie
January 28, 1877
Primary view of [Letter from Birdie McGee to Linnet Moore, January 17, 1892]
McGee, Birdie
January 17, 1892
Primary view of [Letter from Birdie McGee to Linnet Moore, January 20, 1898]
McGee, Birdie
January 20, 1898
Primary view of [Letter from Birdie McKinley to Linnet White and Family, January 8, 1917]
McKinley, Birdie
January 8, 1917
Primary view of [Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Ann Moore, Linnet White and Claude D. White, January 10, 1907]
McKinley, Birdie
January 7, 1907
Primary view of [Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mollie Moore, January 19, 1915]
McKinley, Birdie
January 19, 1915
Primary view of [Letter from C. B. Moore to Mary Moore, January 8, 1900]
Moore, C. B.
January 8, 1900
Primary view of [Letter from C.B. Moore to Mary Moore, January 11, 1900]
Moore, C. B.
January 11, 1900
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore and Mary Moore to Linnet Moore, January 24, 1899]
Moore, Charles B. & Moore, Mary
January 25, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Linnet Moore, January 5, 1898]
Moore, Charles B.
January 5, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Linnet Moore, January 10, 1899]
Moore, Charles B.
January 10, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Linnet Moore, January 23, 1899]
Moore, Charles B.
January 23, 1899
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, January 13, 1900]
unknown creator
January 13, 1900
Primary view of [Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, January 15, 1900]
Moore, Charles B.
January 15, 1900
Primary view of [Letter from Charles L. and Lula Watkins to Claude, Linnet, and Ruth White, January 24, 1917]
Watkins, Charles L. & Watkins, Lula
January 24, 1917
Primary view of [Letter from Charles Moore to Elvira, Josephus, Matilda, and Ziza Moore, January 21, 1865]
Moore, Charles B.
January 21, 1865
Primary view of [Letter from Charles Moore to Josephus Moore and Elvira Moore, January 14, 1865]
Moore, Charles B.
January 14, 1865
Primary view of [Letter from Charles Moore to Josephus Moore, January 6, 1859]
Moore, Charles B.
January 6, 1859
Primary view of [Letter from Claud D. White to Mrs Claude D. Moore-White, April 14, 1901]
White, Claude D.
January 14, 1901
Primary view of [Letter from Claude White to C. B. Moore, January 1902]
White, Claude
January 1902
Primary view of [Letter from Claude White to Linnet Moore, January 3, 1901]
White, Claude
January 3, 1901
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