10 Matching Results

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[Message from Felix Calleja to José Antonio Benavides]

Description: Message from Felix Calleja to José Antonio Benavides acknowledging his having received documents previously sent by Benavides; the named messenger has not been seen in Guanajuato according to Calleja. The document has a few stains and has a piece of tape covering the frayed edges of the right side of the page.
Date: 1811-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Message from Ildefonso García]

Description: Message from Ildefonso García acknowledging his inheritances and listing what he has received. The document itself is slightly stained and has a badly frayed edge on the right side of the paper.
Date: 1811-07~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Two Letters to José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente]

Description: Two letters to José Ramón Díaz de Bustamente, one from José Manuel Pérez, and another from Petra Nicolasa de Chávez. Both letters give an account of the recent incidents of the insurrection which is spreading. The first letter is badly torn and stained, and is entirely covered on the outside by pieces of tape; the second letter has a few tears, and is covered with pieces of tape in certain spots.
Date: 1811-09~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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