3 Matching Results

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[Correspondence between José María García and Ildefonso Ramón]

Description: Correspondence between José María García and Ildefonso Ramón; García wants justice to find out why Petra Sánchez objects to her son getting married. According to the message García claims she is too ill to appear in court. Following the García message, Ramón's reponse can be seen at the bottom of the fourth page of the document.
Date: 1819-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library

[Correspondence Concerning Petra Sánchez]

Description: Message from Petra Sánchez to Ildefonso Ramón giving reasons why she opposes the marriage of her son. Ramón's response to Sánchez is written at the bottom of the third page of the document and is dated August 21, 1819.
Date: 1819-08~
Partner: St. Mary's University Louis J. Blume Library
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