12 Matching Results

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[Letter from F. A. Mood to J. D. Giddings - February 19, 1876]

Description: Letter from F. A. Mood to Hon. J. D. Giddings. Mood says that all the trustees have signed the agreement except for Major John R. Henry and Hon. H. E. McCollough, but Mood is not hopeful for any results from this agreement. He states that Judge J. P. Hughes gave him a favorable lot in exchange for a small bonus for a lot near the university. When Mood examined the house at the lot, he realized that it was empty and not suitable for holding classes. Mood has invested all of the money he has save… more
Date: February 19, 1876
Creator: Mood, F. A.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Letter from F. A. Mood to J. D. Giddings - February 12, 1876]

Description: Letter from F. A. Mood to Hon. J. D. Giddings. Mood writes an impassioned letter in response to Giddings' doubts about Southwestern and his desire to resign from the Board of Trustees. Mood addresses Giddings' concerns in five numbered points. It appears that one of Giddings' biggest concerns is about the lack of financial support for the university. Mood responds that he is well aware of the risks that he is taking. Mood seems to have had a falling out with his Board of Trustees, and Giddings … more
Date: February 12, 1876
Creator: Mood, F. A.
Partner: Southwestern University

[Letter from F. A. Mood to J. D. Giddings - January 31, 1876]

Description: Letter from F. A. Mood to Hon. J. D. Giddings. Mood explains that his letter encloses original and duplicate copies of contracts made by the Trustees of Southwestern University regarding Southwestern Life Insurance Company. He asks Giddings to sign and forward the contract at his earliest convenience. Mood then describes how Southwestern has experienced an encouraging influx of students at Christmas and expects more by 21 February, the beginning of the spring term. The university enjoys a high … more
Date: January 31, 1876
Creator: Mood, F. A.
Partner: Southwestern University
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