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Promise by Euclid Shook

Description: Pages from Esquire magazine featuring illustrations of women and descriptive text. on the first page, a blonde woman reclining against lace pillows with pins in her mouth and a comb by her side. On facing page, a lone auburn-haired woman holding a green dress with flowers up seductively.
Date: September 1946
Creator: Shook, Euclid & Varady, Fredric
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Esquire Magazine Varga Girl Illustration: Sleepytime Gal]

Description: A spread from Esquire magazine featuring an illustration of a blonde Varga Girl paired with Sleepytime Gal by Phil Stack followed by a reproduction print of the painting "The Biggest Game Fish Ever Landed" by Melbourne Brindle done especially for Esquire Magazine in 1946 for the September edition. The painting celebrates the story of one of the pioneers of large game angling and author Zane Grey who traveled to Tahiti in the spring of 1930 to catch Tahitian striped marlin [Blue Marlin] and on M… more
Date: September 1945
Creator: Vargas, Alberto; Stack, Phil & Brindle, Melbourne
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

Expectation by Fritz Willis

Description: Pages from Esquire magazine featuring illustrations of women and descriptive text. On the first page, is Expectation by Fritz Willis, depicting blonde starlet daydreaming on set. On the facing page, the same actress is seen engaged in conversation with a film crew.
Date: September 1946
Creator: Willis, Fritz & De Mers, Joe
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Esquire Magazine clipping featuring a movie ad for "Anchors Aweigh"]

Description: Esquire Magazine clipping of a single front and back leaf with commercially printed illustrations paired with descriptive text. The front of the clipping features a motion picture advertisement for MGM's musical comedy in color film "Anchors Aweigh" starring Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson and Gene Kelly. The leaf shows photos of the actors in costume at the base of the ad. The back of the leaf includes a continued article titled "Man the Kitchenette" along with an aside titled "On the Edge of … more
Date: September 1945
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Esquire Magazine Varga Girl Illustration: Military Secrets]

Description: A spread from Esquire magazine featuring an illustration of a blonde Varga Girl wearing a sheer dress printed with the verse "Military Secrets" by Phil Stack. On the following side of the spread is a reproduction offset lithograph print of the painting The Jap Eradicator by John Falter used especially for the September edition 1943. The painting depicts two soldiers camouflaged in jungle plants firing an automatic weapon.
Date: September 1943
Creator: Vargas, Alberto; Stack, Phil & Falter, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[True Magazine Petty Girl Illustration]

Description: Page from True Magazine featuring an illustration of a Petty Girl and descriptive text reading " There's something wrong with this line... a man called and didn't try to date me!" followed by a reproductive print of a painting depicting a man fishing a mountain lake. Pin-ups by artist George Petty or "Petty Girls" first made their appearance in 1933 and into the 1950s set the standard for American female beauty. The hallmarks of Petty pin-ups are elongated limbs most noted in the legs, a flirta… more
Date: 1947-09~
Creator: Petty, George & L., F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Esquire Magazine Varga Girl Illustration: All-American Babe]

Description: A spread from Esquire magazine featuring an illustration of a blonde Varga Girl posing wearing a modified baseball uniform and cleats paired with the verse "All-American Babe!" by Phil Stack. On the following side of the spread is a reproduction print of the 1940 painting "Out at Home" by Fletcher Martin used especially for the September edition of Esquire Magazine in 1944. The painting depicts a scene of a baseball player sliding into home plate surrounded by the referee and catcher.
Date: September 1944
Creator: Vargas, Alberto; Stack, Phil & Martin, Fletcher
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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