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[Letter from Zavala to Mexia, May 26, 1836]

Description: Letter from Zavala to Mexia. Zavala's feelings for his birth and mother country, Mexico and his confidence towards his new country and on the Texas military. Velasco, May 26, 1836.
Date: May 26, 1836
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from unknown person to Mexia, May 27, 1836]

Description: Letter from unknown person to Mexia: Arriving to Galveston and hearing the news of the retreat of the enemy. Describes conditions of the prisoners in Galveston and mentions speaking to some of the imprisoned officers. Galveston, May 27, 1836.
Date: May 27, 1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Copy of letter from Zavala to Mexia, May 26, 1836]

Description: Letter from Zavala to Mexia. Zavala's feelings for his birth and mother country, Mexico and his confidence towards his new country and on the Texas military. Velasco, May 26, 1836.
Date: May 26, 1836
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

[Letter from Lorenzo de Zavala to his son, May 28, 1836]

Description: Lorenzo de Zavala to his son, reporting that, at personal sacrifice, he has agreed to escort Santa Anna to Veracruz, as a service to Texas. Also discussed land and money transactions with Colonel Lamar and other family matters and finances. Velasco, Texas, May 28, 1836.
Date: May 28, 1836
Creator: Zavala, Lorenzo de, 1788-1836
Partner: The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
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