43 Matching Results

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[Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Ann Moore, March 1, 1909]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is from Sally Thornhill and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Thornhill informs Moore of the goings-on in Goodlettsville, TN. The news includes: a confirmation on receiving her letter as well as Mary J. Thornhill's letter, details about Kate's buggy, news from Alice Wright about her mother's health, a discussion about her health, agricultural updates on crops and poultry, news on the health of family and friends as well as … more
Date: March 1, 1909
Creator: Thornhill, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White, June 22, 1909]

Description: Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White. She doesn't think they received her last letter. She comments that they have had so much rain and all of the vegetables they have had. Mattie's beau died. She mentions everyone's health and how fast Henry and Lillian are growing. She talks about her chickens. She asks if they plan to come visit in the summer, because she really wants to see them. She comments on the weather and asks if they think about moving to St. Louis. She … more
Date: June 22, 1909
Creator: McKinley, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore, August 2, 1909]

Description: Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore in which she writes about her family's health, the weather, and a visit by Claude White. She updates Mary on the activities of family and friends. Sally recounts a crash with a buggy, which left her and Nelly injured. She also tells Mary that she has eczema on her ankles. She describes how she treats the eczema.
Date: August 2, 1909
Creator: Thornhill, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. H. McGee to Mary Ann Moore, September 18, 1909]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by W. H. McGee and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, McGee informs Moore of the goings-on in Sumner County. The news includes: an update on the dry and windy weather which has caused much mess in the home with dust flying everywhere, agricultural news on what has been planted and what is successful at present, a discussion about a dinner McGee and his family had with Alice and Frank Griffin, a dialogue about McGe… more
Date: September 18, 1909
Creator: McGee, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to Mary Ann Moore, Linnet White, and Claude D. White, September 28, 1909]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore, Linnet White, and Claude D. White. In this letter, Birdie discusses having Minnie stay at her house and how wonderful it was to have her around all the time, details about Minnie's new position teaching at a city school in Tullahoma, TN, and notes that her an Minnie went to the fair. McGee reminiscences about going to the Dallas Fair and mentions that they saw many fine domes… more
Date: September 28, 1909
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White, November 15, 1909]

Description: Letter from Sally Thornhill to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White. She recovered quicker than she thought, it was almost like when she hurt her hip. She mentions they need rain for the wheat. She talks about the hogs and the fruits that are ripe. Since she got hurt she is unable to go visit friends. She asks for information on everyone. She received news from Camilla. Alice Wright visited her, she has been treated for dropsy in Fort Worth. Bettie Keller is not well. She mentions Nannie's baby.… more
Date: November 15, 1909
Creator: Thornhill, Sally
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. J. McKinley to Claude D. White, December 12, 1909]

Description: Letter from W. J. McKinley to Claude D. White. He comments that Birdie will be living in her grandfather's house that is being redone. He would like to have them come visit him. He plans to stay where he is because otherwise he couldn't bring Birdie with him. He talks about farm land selling and the nice profit people are making. He thinks there are good opportunities in Washington and Oregon. He would like them to come visit for Christmas.
Date: December 12, 1909
Creator: McKinley, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude White, and Linnet Moore White, December 12, 1909]

Description: Letter from Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore, Claude and Linnet White. She says that she is not going to write as often, not because she doesn't think of them. She asks about the weather. She talks about killing hogs and making lard. She is trying to move into her new house, but the contractors haven't finished yet. She wishes they could spend Christmas with them. She gives news on everyone. Mr. Thornhill died of a locked jaw. She receives news from Minnie and Sallie. She has a picture she wants t… more
Date: December 12, 1909
Creator: McKinley, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mary Moore to Charles and Linnet Moore and Willie McGee, January 1, 1900]

Description: Mary tells them to read their letters and was glad to hear from them. She says that they are doing well and how cold it has been. Bessie came to visit them for New Years and they cooked the turkey. She hopes they are not having bad weather and mentions that Old Wallace came and asked about them. Will McKinley came to see Birdie and he stayed until 11 o'clock. Mr. Griffin is staying at Aunt Nancy's place. Bessie has her first long dress. She asks Linnet to write and tell her what she is doing. S… more
Date: January 1, 1900
Creator: Moore, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Linnet Moore to Mary Moore and Birdie McGee, January 8, 1900]

Description: Letter to her mother Mary and cousin Birdie. Linnet talks about milking and how cold it is. She has so much milk she had to throw some to the hogs, and she has tons of butter. The Thursday and Friday after her mother left she tried cleaning. Tommie tried to come over, but the weather was too bad. Saturday she made cakes with Gertie. Sunday she had visitors come over and then they went to Jennie's. Tommie gave her a bracelet and Jennie gave her garters. Monday she went to Melissa with some frien… more
Date: January 8, 1900
Creator: Moore, Linnet
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Mary Moore to Charles and Linnet Moore and Willie, January 10, 1900]

Description: Letter to Charles and Linnet Moore and Willie McGee. She mentions that a lot of their friends have moved. She made broom weed syrup for their cough. Birdie and Mattie had a small party the other night. Birdie tells Linnet to write. Linnet's father said she had written, but she hasn't sent it. Just like Lenora never received Linnet's letter either. She mentions the measles and small pox are going around. Sunday she had visitors and Mr. Love want her to stay all night, but she thinks he drinks. … more
Date: January 10, 1900
Creator: Moore, Mary
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from C.B. Moore to Mary Moore, January 11, 1900]

Description: Letter to Mary Moore from her husband C.B. Moore. Willie sent his and Linnet's letter to her. He read the paper and then went to bed. He had a hard time sleeping because of the cold. He mentions that it has been raining. He mentions that Linnet and Willie are milking and the weather is still dreary. Linnet is cooking for him and now the wind has picked up and is hurting his eyes, so he has to stay inside. He received a letter from Camilla Wallace, but none from her. By the evening it cleared up… more
Date: January 11, 1900
Creator: Moore, C. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, January 13, 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Charles informs Mary of the goings-on in Advalorem, Texas. The news includes: detailed accounts of daily chores around the house, updates on agricultural chores around the land such as clearing wood, stacking corn, and general maintenance of the farm, a confirmation about receiving Mary's letter, a discussion about the news from Gallatin,TN, a dialogue abo… more
Date: January 13, 1900
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Charles B. Moore to Mary Ann Moore, January 15, 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Charles B. Moore and is addressed to Mary Ann Moore. In this letter, Charles informs Mary Ann of the goings-on in Advalorem, TX while she is in Gallatin, TN visiting kin. The news includes: updates on daily chores and agricultural chores, community news, updates about renting Linnet's land and the south field, and gossip from Linnet and friends. In his next letter dated, January 16, 1900, Moore details abut his morning rou… more
Date: January 15, 1900
Creator: Moore, Charles B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. H. McGee to Charles B. Moore, January 15, 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by William H. McGee to Uncle Charlie. In this letter, McGee discusses Mary Ann's itinerary for her return trip. It includes the date she will be returning and details her lay-overs in Nashville and in Memphis.
Date: January 15, 1900
Creator: McGee, William H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Birdie McGee to the Moore family, February 4, 1900]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Birdie McGee and is addressed to Charles B. Moore, Linnet Moore, and Aunt Mollie. In this letter, McGee informs the Moore family and Aunt Mollie of the goings-on in Gallatin, Tennessee. The News includes: a confirmation about receiving the most current letter written by the Moore's, a weather update, details about the smallpox outbreak and how everyone is getting their vaccinations, a discussion about going to town to get a… more
Date: February 4, 1900
Creator: McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Elizabeth Franklin to the Moore family, January 10, 1901]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Elizabeth "Bettie" Franklin and is addressed to the Moore family. In the letter, Franklin informs the Moore family that Matilda Dodd has passed way from pneumonia. She discusses the time period right before Dodd passed and describes how the family worked very hard to keep her well with visits from the Doctor and with medicine. The family realized she would not get well and all they could do was keep her comfortable tile she… more
Date: January 10, 1901
Creator: Franklin, Elizabeth
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letters from Bessie Franklin and Bettie Franklin to the Moore family, January 20-22, 1901]

Description: This is a letter from the Charles B. Moore Collection. It is written by Bessie Franklin and is addressed to the Moore family. In this letter, Franklin informs the Moore family of the goings-on in Gallatin, TN during the Christmas holidays. The news includes: a confirmation on receiving the Moore's latest correspondence, updates about school, a discussion about family member's health status at present, details about the events they attended for the holidays, and a discussion about who attended t… more
Date: 1901-01-20/1901-01-22
Creator: Franklin, Bessie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from C. B. Moore to Linnet Moore, May 30, 1901]

Description: Letter to Linnet Moore from C. B. Moore. He talks about the rain. They sent her a letter to Austin and one to Gallatin. He talked to Priest. He talks about farming. He mentions who he has written.
Date: May 30, 1901
Creator: Moore, C. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lula Dalton to Linnet Moore, June 3, 1901]

Description: Letter from Lula Dalton to Linnet Moore. She is sorry that she hasn't written sooner, but she has been so busy. She received flowers from Mr. House. She had a talk with Carter about Mr. House's proposal. Carter wants her to wait, but she will do what she thinks is best. She did not have to pay for Linnet's boarding. She is going to use Linnet's money to get the pictures Linnet wanted. She tells Linnet to get well and have a good time.
Date: June 3, 1901
Creator: Dalton, Lula
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from N. H. McGee to Birdie McGee and Mary Moore, March 4, 1904]

Description: Letter from N. H. McGee to Birdie McGee and Mary Moore in which he says that they have had a blizzard. He also gives updates on the health and activities of family members. He gives an account of the growth of two children, Lillian and Henry. He reports that Mariah Rucker had died. He writes about financial matters, collecting fines, and investigating thefts. He says he works as a game warden. He says that there are many empty houses in Gallatin Tennessee for rent or sale.
Date: March 4, 1904
Creator: McGee, N. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Lillian Griffin to Mary Moore, April 24, 1904]

Description: Letter from Lillian Griffin to Mary Moore in which she lists the members of the family and if they are well or not; the types and numbers of the farm animals; and her family's pets. She says her father was kicked in the knee by a horse.
Date: April 24, 1904
Creator: Griffin, Lillian
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from Will McGee to Mary Moore, February 26, 1906]

Description: Letter from Will McGee to his Aunt Mary Moore. He says that he has wanted to write earlier, but has not had time. He can only write at night. He mentions that he is working for J. N. R. R., although it is not regular work. There are plans to put a new depot in Hendersonville. He enjoys the railroad work. He made a place to put his tools and was promoted to inside work. He then got into a spat with one of the bosses. He mentions that Henry is getting into the pills and almost had a serious accid… more
Date: February 26, 1906
Creator: McGee, Will
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Letter from W. J. and Birdie McKinley to Mary Moore and Claude and Linnet White, November 27, 1905]

Description: Letter to Aunt Mollie and Claude and Linnet White. W. J. wants to explain why Uncle Tobe was not brought along. He doesn't like to leave. Bessie is the only one that can get him to leave for short amounts of time. He wants to tell Uncle Tobe first before his aunt. He wishes them the best wishes. The second letter Birdie wants to inform her Aunt Mollie on Uncle Tobe's condition. He is so worried about his money. He won't eat or drink and has become bedridden. Aunt Bettie wants to send him to the… more
Date: November 27, 1905
Creator: McKinley, W. J. & McGee, Birdie
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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