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[Letter from A. M. Acheson to Henry Sayles, April 1, 1912]

Description: Letter from A. M. Acheson to Henry Sayles stating he will soon inform him of the lines of the M. K. & T. railroad in which a change of administration is to be executed.
Date: April 1, 1912
Creator: Acheson, Alex M.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Alex M. Acheson to Henry Sayles, March 12, 1912]

Description: Letter from Alex M. Acheson to Henry Sayles discussing railroad construction projects to be completed in the coming weeks, pending approval of the Chairman of the M. K. & T. Railroad.
Date: March 12, 1912
Creator: Acheson, Alex M.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from Alliert Ainsworth to Henry Clay, Sr., January 28, 1918]

Description: Letter from Alliert Ainsworth to Henry Clay, Sr. regarding the death of her son and the compassion that Henry Clay, Jr. showed their family. She goes on to describe the unfair treatment Washington has given Clay, Jr.'s detachment in England and herself by not clarifying the cause of Harold Ainsworth's death.
Date: January 28, 1918
Creator: Ainsworth, Alliert
Partner: The University of Texas at Dallas

[Memo from E. H. Alberty to L. R. Hare, October 3, 1918]

Description: Memorandum from Capt. E. H. Alberty on behalf of the commander of US Army Southern Department to Maj. L. R. Hare, forwarding a communication from the Adjutant General ordering the appointment of a Liberty Loan Officer at each SATC unit.
Date: October 3, 1918
Creator: Alberty, E. H.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from A. C. Allen to C. C. Cox, November 18th, 1918]

Description: Letter from lawyer A. C. Allen to C. C. Cox discussing a lawsuit against a Mr. Corbett in Montgomery County, Texas. The envelope is included.
Date: November 18, 1918
Creator: Allen, A. C.
Partner: Private Collection of the CC Cox Family

[Letter from J. P. Alvey to Henry Sayles, March 24, 1913]

Description: Letter from J. P. Alvey to Henry Sayles requesting the papers for Ed. S. Hughes to be put in negotiable shape either by taxation or endorsement.
Date: March 24, 1913
Creator: Alvey, J. P.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from William B. Alwood to W. B. Munson, March 10, 1913]

Description: Letter from William B. Alwood to W. B. Munson asking if Munson is willing to be nominated to serve on the International Commission on Viticulture and asking for the names of people, particularly from Texas or the Southwest, who may be interested in the International Viticulture Congress to be held in San Francisco in 1915.
Date: March 10, 1913
Creator: Alwood, William B.
Partner: Grayson College Foundation

[Letter from Geo S. Anderson to L. R. Hare, December 14, 1918]

Description: Letter from Geo S. Anderson of the Taylor County Local Board to Lt. Col. L. R. Hare (addressed as "General Hare"), commandant for the Student Army Training Corps Simmons College Unit, discussing a mistake in Army documents resulting in local soldiers not receiving pay for their first ten days of service.
Date: December 14, 1918
Creator: Anderson, Geo S.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Letter from J. A. Anderson to Lyman Stewart, August 16, 1913]

Description: Letter from J. A. Anderson to Lyman Stewart discussing a meeting hosted by the Sayles for California oil men to attempt to interest them in the Sayles' land.
Date: August 16, 1913
Creator: Anderson, J. A.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Telegram from H. LaF. Applewhite to L. R. Hare, December 11, 1918]

Description: Telegram sent from L. HaF. Applewhite to Lt. Col. L. R. Hare stating that certain items furnished to SATC units, such as pianos and phonographs, can be sold before the unit is officially disbanded, and explains what is to be done with the money made.
Date: December 11, 1918
Creator: Applewhite, H. LaF.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Telegram from H. LaF. Applewhite to L. R. Hare, December 27, 1918]

Description: Telegram sent from SATC military district inspector H. LaF. Applewhite to Lt. Col. L. R. Hare, commander of the Abilene Christian College Unit, discussing missing contracts from the unit for contract surgeons.
Date: December 27, 1918
Creator: Applewhite, H. LaF.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library

[Telegram from H. LaF. Applewhite to L. R. Hare, December 27, 1918]

Description: Telegram sent from SATC military district inspector H. LaF. Applewhite to Lt. Col. L. R. Hare, commander of the Simmons College Unit, discussing missing contracts from the unit for contract surgeons.
Date: December 27, 1918
Creator: Applewhite, H. LaF.
Partner: Hardin-Simmons University Library
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