16 Matching Results

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[Letter from I. H. Kempner to Mr. Don Hinga, December 3, 1951]

Description: Letter from I. H. Kempner to Mr. Don Hinga discussing Hinga's Article on the Port of Houston in the "Houston Chronicle," including his recognition of people mentioned in the writing, furthermore, contributing to the facts of the article by mentioning omitted information including the rivers and harbors bill in 1902 and the Galveston storm of 1900.
Date: December 3, 1951
Creator: Kempner, Isaac H. (Isaac Herbert), 1873-1967
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Biographical Sketch of Harris Kempner]

Description: Document discussing the life of Harris Kempner written by Harris Leon Kempner discussing his life from birth in Krzepitz (then in Russia), immigration to the United States, military service, and entrepreneurial activities.
Date: December 3, 1934
Creator: Kempner, Harris Leon
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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