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[Letter from T. L. James to D. W. Kempner, December 31, 1948]

Description: Letter from Thos. L. James to D. W. Kempner discussing letters about having an independent analyst done on the soil in Sugar Land and Plantersville, with the ultimate decision to purchase a Sudbury Testing set for Milikien to use. A handwritten at the bottom of the letter reads: "IHK: just when I think I am going somewhere the cost again: return DWK."
Date: December 31, 1948
Creator: James, Thomas Leroy
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Mose M. Feld to William M. Nathan, July 31, 1945]

Description: Letter from Mose M. Feld to William M. Nathan explaining an error that one of his stenographers made in the last letter he sent. He also expresses that he does not understand why letters have not been sent out to the lodges in the area to solicit donations.
Date: July 31, 1948
Creator: Feld, Mose M.
Partner: Rosenberg Library

[Letter from Edward R. Schuh to A. H. Bleyberg, May 31, 1948]

Description: Letter from Edward R. Schuh to A. H. Bleyberg discussing how Mr. Kempner might be able to get Galveston visitors visas for Bleyberg's family and will do whatever possible to help them get resident visas.
Date: May 31, 1948
Creator: Schuh, Edward R.
Partner: Rosenberg Library
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