The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 19, July 1915 - April, 1916 Page: 81

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Local Government in the Spanish Colonies

Escribanos reales had to submit their credentials to the cabildo
before they could practice their profession in the pueblo.42 The
escribanos de gobernaci6n were to. look after the affairs of the
Indians in accordance with the local custom.48 The audiencia was
to make up a list of fees for the various escribanos,4" and this list
was to be posted in the office of each.45 The escribanos were never
to charge any fee for services touching the patrimonio real" or
the oficiales reales.47 The escribanos for the ecclesiastical courts
had to be laymen and they were subject to the same regulations as
the other escribanos.48 The Indians did not have to pay any fees,
but caciques and communities of Indians had to pay half the reg-
ular fee for the services of the escribano.49
The citizens of the New World were specifically exempted from
the interference of the corredor (exchange broker), except in the
more important contracts and large dealings.' The prices of foods
and drink were fixed by the alcaldes of the town and a regidor
appointed for that purpose by the cabildo.2 Property under liti-
gation was put into the hands of a depositario who was under bond.8
The escribano de cabildo kept a record of these depositos as stated
above in the section on the escribano.4 The cabildo checked the
bond of these depositarios every year and if need be required a
strengthening or increase in the bond.5 It was the duty of the
audiencia to see that the depositarios returned these depositos to
the rightful owners at the proper time."
The officials of the real hacienda had a distinct jurisdiction from
that of the ordinary civil officials, much the same as do the internal
revenue officers or customs officials in a city of the United States.
But there is this very important difference. The oficiales reales
could and did deal directly with local affairs when ordered to do
so by the crown. For instance, an oficial real might be ordered
to keep certain records jointly with the alcalde ordinario.7 An
"5:8:5, 1572. 4"5:8:13, 1625. "2:15:178, 1528 to 1589.
4"2:15:179, 1596. 45:8:30, 1529. 475:8:31, 1532 to 1574.
'5:8:37, 1633. "45:8:25, 1551 to Carlos II. 14:10:23, 1567.
24:9:22. 54:10:16, 1630. '4:10:21, 1631.
64:10:18, 1629. e4:10:20, 1583. 78:4:30, 1575.

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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 19, July 1915 - April, 1916, periodical, 1916; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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