The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 54, July 1950 - April, 1951 Page: 345

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the year 1826, and lived several years in the retirement of private
life, engaged in the pursuits of his avocation with untiring industry.
When the Texas forces encamped in the vicinity of San Antonio
in the fall of 1835, he, with one or two other Americans, was placed
under arrest by the Mexican authorities; but, notwithstanding their
confinement, they contrived to communicate important information
to the besieging troops. Having succeeded in escaping, the deceased
drew up a most accurate plan of the town in which almost every
object of sufficient magnitude to attract the vision was delineated
with great minuteness and exactness. With the benefit of the infor-
mation thus obtained, and with the deceased acting as one of the
guides, the strong Town of San Antonio, defended by seventeen hun-
dred troops and twenty pieces of artillery, was on the night of the
5th of December, 1835, assaulted by a devoted band of less than
three hundred men.' The history of the ensuing fierce and desperate
struggle for five days and nights is well known. In the annals of our
military achievements, it stands unparalleled, as well for the boldness
of the enterprise, as for the exhibition of an inflexible obstinacy of
resolution and determined valor, which no danger could appall-nor
continuance of the deadly grapple, however prolonged, could exhaust.
The deceased was ever found among the foremost in the storm, and
accompanied the party which had succeeded in penetrating to the
square, when the capitulation was proposed.
After the battle of San Jacinto and the retreat of the Mexican
troops from the Republic, the deceased returned to San Antonio-
where, as clerk of several courts, from his extraordinary capacity for
business, and his knowledge of forms, he rendered essential services
to the community-discharging the duties of his various offices with
the indefatigable perseverance, and with a skill and correctness which
elicited frequent expressions of approbation from high judicial officers.
He narrowly escaped from the troops under the command of Gen-
eral Woll, in 1842, and distinguished himself at the Salado, as well
by his bravery, as by entering the hostile lines and procuring infor-
mation of the enemy's situation and movements. He was of most
benevolent disposition, a devoted patriot, and an affectionate husband
and father. His intelligence, correctness, and promptness of judg-
ment; his acquaintance with the laws of the country, both ancient
and modern; his business habits and talents, and the assiduity of his
4On November 3 Maverick states: "The place could much easier have been
taken with soo men, after the affair of Gonzales, than it can now with 1500 men.
The quartel in (the) Alamo is very strongly fortified; and the streets to the
Plaza, here, well guarded; and all trees, grass, fences, and other lurking-places
and barricades removed, in order to see (the) Americans when they come up."
-Ibid., 14. The capture of San Antonio with only one-fifth of the force Maverick
considered necessary was indeed outstanding.


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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 54, July 1950 - April, 1951, periodical, 1951; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 7, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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