The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, July 1962 - April, 1963 Page: 457

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William 4Mccale's FAarrative of the
/Mage- utdierrez Spedition, 1812-1813
[The following is a continuation of the William McLane Narrative,
the first part of which appeared in the October, 1962, Quarterly.]
CONTENTS-The Americans try to surprise the Spaniards, get sur-
prised-The Americans gain courage-Fierce battle-Total defeat of
the Spaniards-Raising the seige-The Americans joined by 3oo de-
serters-Ross sent on a mission-Exploring party capture a garrison
-March for San Antonio-Mexican lice.
The Americans had information from the Mexican women, that
the Spanish officers held frequent feasts and night revels at a Mission
about three miles above the fort,"8 where they enjoyed the sparkling
wine and the smiles of the women-which induced Capt. McFarland
with his scouts to visit the Mission one night. On his arrival he placed
all the inmates, as he supposed, under guard-finding no one there
but the inhabitants of the place. But they had managed to send an
express to the enemy's quarters-entertaining the Americans with
good cheer and friendly chat until nearly daylight, when they mounted
horse and departed, proceeding in profound silence. On passing some
bushes near the road, they were fired on by a file of the enemy's
troops, who were secreted near the road. The only damage sustained
by the Americans was the loss of one man, thrown from his horse,
and abandoned to his fate, which was, no doubt, a barbarous one.
The rest of the party proceeded under spur and whip, and on ap-
proaching the enemy's outposts, were fired on from all directions.
They entered the prairie in sight of the fort, exhibiting all the terror
and alarm of Ichabod Crane, when fleeing from the headless horseman
of sleepy hollow. Their loose garments flying in the breeze and
80This installment appeared in the San Antonio Tri-Weekly Alamo Express, Feb-
ruary 8, 1861.
81The Mission of Nuestra Sefiora del Rosario was established in 1754, one and
a half leagues (about four miles) to the west of the presidio. Castafieda, Catholic
Heritage, IV, 26.


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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, July 1962 - April, 1963, periodical, 1963; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 6, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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